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Old 12-23-2012, 12:07 PM   #23
Nameless Being
Originally Posted by sogeking90 View Post
Why do people say it looks like crap?
I'm guessing that people say it looks like crap for two reasons:

1. It is unbalanced (there is too much weight on the bottom) which makes it harder for some people to read. The bottom-heavy bit is part of the point of the font since dyslexic people claim it is easier for them to read, so there isn't much that can be done about that.

2. It looks like a graphic font and a lot of people have a knee-jerk reaction against graphic fonts. I'm guessing that is because a lot of people find most graphic fonts harder to read, or think of it as style over substance.

If the font works for you, then use it. It doesn't work for some of us, so we don't use it. The wonderful thing about ereaders is that it gives us the choice.
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