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Old 10-10-2008, 08:12 AM   #9
Hog Rider
radioflyertoo once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.radioflyertoo once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.radioflyertoo once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.radioflyertoo once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.radioflyertoo once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.radioflyertoo once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.radioflyertoo once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.radioflyertoo once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.radioflyertoo once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.radioflyertoo once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.radioflyertoo once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.
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Originally Posted by montsnmags View Post
As usual, a very good question, radioflyertoo (can I call you "Ray"? No? Okay). However, it's a trick question.

There iz only one Oz (two if you count fictional worlds) unless you count multiple trouser legs and universes. If you do count those, only one Oz can fit in any one glass, because one glass cannot transverse multiple universes - the glass can only be in one universe at any one time-space.

Unless it's not a glass, but a Klein, those floogy things really frak-up the supersymmetry, and should probably be banned for underestimating alcoholic content on the label by only including perceived dimensions. That's why I sell my Zany Carter mix in them ("IN CASE OF EMERGENCE, DON'T BREAK GLASS - DRINK-UP AND BREAKDANCE INSTEAD").

In conclusion, as David Byrne once said, "fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better run run run run run run run away OH OH OH AY AY AYA AY UM"

Marc (I'm half-full, and should be full by the end of the next Klein bottle)
Ah trouserlegs and universes is the supersymmetry of the exisitential existant of the nothingness created by a Klien bottle empting on the complete multiverse cause the ninja squirrels to rethink what Dave Byrne once said.

Now you must remember that the alcoholic content (hic) on the label is as you state a function of reversed osmosis causing a Zant Carter to regurgitate David byrne and break dance with rainbow of shadows that falls on one after the klien bottle has emptied.

Now as far as Oz is concerned I've been there and particularly enjoyed the Queen Victoria Market along with the absolutely goreous sites lining the Gold Coast beaches.

But since I was particularly investing the question in ounces and not Oz's as you so suculently stated we have an impass of the first dimensional order only to be resolved by defunking the bubbles of upside down time in the tranmorgrifried breakfast universe.

I the now reality let me restate my question in different terms:

Is the glass half full or half empty. So are you pessimistist, optimistic and truly optimistic.

(hic hic)
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