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Old 09-18-2012, 07:16 PM   #1
rainrdx can differentiate black from dark navy bluerainrdx can differentiate black from dark navy bluerainrdx can differentiate black from dark navy bluerainrdx can differentiate black from dark navy bluerainrdx can differentiate black from dark navy bluerainrdx can differentiate black from dark navy bluerainrdx can differentiate black from dark navy bluerainrdx can differentiate black from dark navy bluerainrdx can differentiate black from dark navy bluerainrdx can differentiate black from dark navy bluerainrdx can differentiate black from dark navy blue
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London Review of Books recipe updated

This is an update to the built-in recipe. I made some aesthetic changes.


__license__   = 'GPL v3'
__copyright__ = '2010, Darko Miletic <darko.miletic at>'
from calibre import strftime
from import BasicNewsRecipe

class LondonReviewOfBooksPayed(BasicNewsRecipe):
    title                 = 'London Review of Books'
    __author__            = 'Rich Shang, Darko Miletic'
    description           = 'Subscription content. Literary review publishing essay-length book reviews and topical articles on politics, literature, history, philosophy, science and the arts by leading writers and thinkers'
    category              = 'news, literature, UK'
    publisher             = 'LRB Ltd.'
    max_articles_per_feed = 100
    language              = 'en_GB'
    no_stylesheets        = True
    delay                 = 1
    use_embedded_content  = False
    encoding              = 'utf-8'
    INDEX                 = ''
    LOGIN                 = INDEX + '/login'
    masthead_url          = INDEX + '/assets/images/lrb_logo_big.gif'
    needs_subscription    = True
    publication_type      = 'magazine'
    extra_css             = ' body{font-family: Georgia,Palatino,"Palatino Linotype",serif} '

    def get_browser(self):
        br = BasicNewsRecipe.get_browser()
        if self.username is not None and self.password is not None:
            br['username'] = self.username
            br['password'] = self.password
        return br

    def parse_index(self):
        articles = []
        soup = self.index_to_soup(self.INDEX)
        cover_item = soup.find('p',attrs={'class':'cover'})
	dates = str(soup.find('span', attrs={'class':'coverdate'}))
	newdates = re.sub('\<.*\>','',re.split('<br />',dates)[1])
	self.timefmt = ' [%s]'%newdates
        lrbtitle = self.title
        if  cover_item:
            self.cover_url = re.sub('/m/','/l/',cover_item.a.img['src'])
            content = self.INDEX + cover_item.a['href']
            soup2 = self.index_to_soup(content)
            sitem = soup2.find(attrs={'class':'article-list'})
            lrbtitle = soup2.head.title.string
            for item in sitem.findAll('a',attrs={'class':'title'}):
                description = u''
                title_prefix = u''
                feed_link = item
                if feed_link.has_key('href'):
                    url   = self.INDEX + feed_link['href']
	            title_link = re.split('<br />',str(feed_link))
		    if len (title_link) > 1:
			 title = title_prefix + re.sub('\<.*\>','',title_link[0]) + ' - ' + re.sub('\<.*\>','',title_link[1])
			 title = title_prefix + self.tag_to_string(feed_link)
		    desc = item.findNext('li')
	            if desc is not None and desc.find('cite') is not None and desc.find('ul') is None:
                    date  = strftime(self.timefmt)
                                      'title'      :title
                                     ,'date'       :date
                                     ,'url'        :url
        return [(lrbtitle, articles)]

    conversion_options = {
                             'comments'  : description
                            ,'tags'      : category
                            ,'language'  : language
                            ,'publisher' : publisher

    keep_only_tags = [dict(name='div' , attrs={'class':['article-body indent','letters']})]
    remove_attributes = ['width','height']
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