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Old 12-13-2009, 10:48 AM   #1
Junior Member
gpsloco began at the beginning.
Posts: 2
Karma: 10
Join Date: Dec 2009
Device: kindle2
new to calibre/ conversion works mon-Sat, not Sunday?

I download a couple of blogs daily without any problems. But on sunday, calibre aborts with this message:

Could someone please direct me in which section of this long log I would find what exactly went wrong?

Thank you!


ERROR: Konvertierungsfehler: <b>Misslungen</b>: Nachrichten abrufen von myblogs

Nachrichten abrufen von myblogs
Resolved conversion options
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InputFormatPlugin: Recipe Input running Skipping article Christus auf Facebook (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 17:58) from feed carta as it is too old.
Skipping article Wie ein 20-Jähriger einen Verlag demontiert (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 12:03) from feed carta as it is too old.
Skipping article Medienhype um Minarette (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 11:24) from feed carta as it is too old.
Skipping article Wenn Nullen Summe ziehen (Thu, 10 Dec, 2009 23:41) from feed carta as it is too old.
Skipping article Heitere(s) Geburtenraten! Das Max-Planck-Institut als Stimmungsaufheller (Thu, 10 Dec, 2009 14:09) from feed carta as it is too old.
Skipping article Der Carta-Weihnachtsmarkt (Thu, 10 Dec, 2009 13:18) from feed carta as it is too old.
Skipping article Klima Default Swap (Wed, 09 Dec, 2009 15:29) from feed carta as it is too old.
Skipping article IT-Gipfel: Neustart erforderlich (Wed, 09 Dec, 2009 14:33) from feed carta as it is too old.
Skipping article Wer finanziert die halbstaatliche Deutsche Energie-Agentur? (Wed, 09 Dec, 2009 02:02) from feed carta as it is too old.
Skipping article Warum Schirrmachers Internetangst-Diskurs nicht zündet (Tue, 08 Dec, 2009 19:34) from feed carta as it is too old.
Skipping article Linkwertig: Friendster, Square, Netvibes (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 11:21) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article Firehose 2010: Echtzeit für alle, Geschäftsmodell für Twitter (Thu, 10 Dec, 2009 20:30) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article Neue Offenheit: Facebook testet seine Grenzen aus (Thu, 10 Dec, 2009 17:51) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article Linkwertig: Googleangst,, Irland, Gowalla (Thu, 10 Dec, 2009 09:47) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article Google: Echtzeit, Goggles, Chrome für Mac, Living Stories, Public DNS (Wed, 09 Dec, 2009 15:46) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article Linkwertig: Boxee, IT-Gipfel, Thunderbird (Wed, 09 Dec, 2009 09:46) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article Die 10 besten Startups aus dem deutschen Sprachraum 2009 (Tue, 08 Dec, 2009 12:00) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article Linkwertig: IVW, GEZ, Google, Qype (Tue, 08 Dec, 2009 09:00) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article studiVZ-CEO Markus Berger-de León: “studiVZ Connect” kommt (Mon, 07 Dec, 2009 20:58) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article Wie die Medienbranche Raubkopien monetarisieren könnte (Mon, 07 Dec, 2009 10:00) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article Linkwertig: RSS, Ubuntu, Etherpad, Foursquare (Mon, 07 Dec, 2009 09:00) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article Aufstieg und Fall von MySpace (Sun, 06 Dec, 2009 20:16) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article Samstag App Fieber: Yoom, 1-2-do, Dr. Qype (Sat, 05 Dec, 2009 18:01) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article Das Beste: November ‘09 auf (Fri, 04 Dec, 2009 13:51) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article Linkwertig: brands4friends, Bing, Twitter (Fri, 04 Dec, 2009 10:28) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article Online-Identität: Yahoo integriert Facebook,  Google integriert Twitter (Thu, 03 Dec, 2009 20:04) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article Linkwertig: Android, Zoho, HTML5 , Digg (Thu, 03 Dec, 2009 09:00) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article Die Nuller Jahre: Der Anfang der digitalen Ära (Wed, 02 Dec, 2009 17:18) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article Square: Revolution für bargeldlose Zahlungen? (Wed, 02 Dec, 2009 15:48) from feed medienlese as it is too old.
Skipping article Die neue Solid Ground bei Radio Würzblog (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 08:07) from feed wuerzblog as it is too old.
Skipping article 10.000 (Thu, 10 Dec, 2009 22:24) from feed wuerzblog as it is too old.
Skipping article Der süße und mixe Jahresrückblick (Wed, 09 Dec, 2009 16:48) from feed wuerzblog as it is too old.
Skipping article Das Adsfenzbloggertreffen 2009 (Mon, 07 Dec, 2009 18:33) from feed wuerzblog as it is too old.
Skipping article Krach & Körbe (Mon, 07 Dec, 2009 13:18) from feed wuerzblog as it is too old.
Skipping article Mein erstes Mal mit den Würzburger Baskets (Mon, 07 Dec, 2009 12:16) from feed wuerzblog as it is too old.
Skipping article Rückwärts steigern und tombolieren (Sun, 06 Dec, 2009 20:12) from feed wuerzblog as it is too old.
Skipping article Mit, mit, zu Audiolith! (Sat, 05 Dec, 2009 09:51) from feed wuerzblog as it is too old.
Skipping article Karten für die Würzburg Baskets (Wed, 02 Dec, 2009 16:43) from feed wuerzblog as it is too old.
Skipping article Dekoriert den Weihnachtsturm (Tue, 01 Dec, 2009 12:19) from feed wuerzblog as it is too old.
Skipping article Kommt der Zwangsvirenschutz für alle Bürger ? (Tue, 08 Dec, 2009 14:56) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article IBM SAGE – 1950s Cold war Computing (Sun, 29 Nov, 2009 22:12) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Das BKA hat mal wieder (k)einen Plan… (Thu, 26 Nov, 2009 17:15) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Digitale Entmündigung: Was Dir gehört, gehört Dir nicht (Sat, 21 Nov, 2009 00:05) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Das Urheberrecht ist wie Prohibition, (Mon, 09 Nov, 2009 13:47) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article ACTA: Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Kampf gegen “Raubkopierer” ? (Wed, 04 Nov, 2009 20:16) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Samsung N140 Netbook Testbericht (Wed, 04 Nov, 2009 15:09) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article RFID Song by Eccoludit (Sun, 01 Nov, 2009 00:18) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Ebook – Die Piratenpartei (Sat, 31 Oct, 2009 14:07) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Kein Datenschutz für Hartz4 Empfänger (Sat, 31 Oct, 2009 01:15) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Merkel: Finanzminister Schäuble und die 100.000 D-Mark (Sun, 25 Oct, 2009 19:04) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Suchanfragen: Rapidshare überholt Torrent (Fri, 23 Oct, 2009 23:20) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Aktion gegen “Killerspiele” ZDF inszeniert Aufnahme (Mon, 19 Oct, 2009 21:07) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article ZDF. Das Grundeinkommen in Namibia (Sun, 04 Oct, 2009 18:32) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Die Zukunf des Journalismus, wer soll das bezahlen ? (Sat, 03 Oct, 2009 19:10) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Piratenpartei: über 10.000 Mitglieder (Fri, 02 Oct, 2009 23:25) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Die Zukunft der Piratenpartei (Wed, 30 Sep, 2009 22:14) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Alle die mit uns den Bundestag Entern: (Sun, 27 Sep, 2009 11:01) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Beckstein fordert Zensur von Spielen (Sat, 26 Sep, 2009 11:45) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Wieder ein Grund keine CDs mehr zu kaufen. (Mon, 14 Sep, 2009 16:37) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Video: Rette deine Freiheit ! (Mon, 14 Sep, 2009 15:57) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Stellungnahme der Berliner Polizei zur Polizeigewalt (Sun, 13 Sep, 2009 21:41) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Freiheit statt Angst: Polizei Brutalität auf der Demo (Sun, 13 Sep, 2009 04:03) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Ubuntu 9.04 Portable (Thu, 10 Sep, 2009 03:21) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article “Jura ist nicht dazu da, antiquierte Geschäftsmodelle zu schützen” (Mon, 07 Sep, 2009 14:53) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article China verschärft die Internetüberwachung (Sun, 06 Sep, 2009 15:43) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Warum eine Reform des Urheberrechts wichtig ist (Thu, 03 Sep, 2009 15:50) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Selbstversuch Politik: Tina Groll, eine Journalistin undercover in der CDU (Mon, 31 Aug, 2009 00:47) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Sind die Grünen noch glaubwürdig ? (Fri, 28 Aug, 2009 14:45) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Schäuble will Einsatz der Bundeswehr im Inneren (Thu, 27 Aug, 2009 15:00) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Wahlwerbespot für die Piratenpartei (Wed, 26 Aug, 2009 19:02) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Piratenpartei erreicht Platz 10 der Mitgliederstärksten Parteien (Wed, 26 Aug, 2009 01:04) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Wunder der Robotik: Big Dog (Tue, 25 Aug, 2009 00:38) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Chaosradio: Mut zur Freiheit (Mon, 24 Aug, 2009 09:59) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Zensursula hält nichts von Pressefreiheit (Sat, 22 Aug, 2009 23:07) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Popularität der Parteienwebsites, Piratenpartei belegt Platz1 (Fri, 21 Aug, 2009 20:25) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Super Maryo Chronicles – Endlich mal wieder ein gutes Jump and Run Game (Fri, 21 Aug, 2009 13:48) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Piratenpartei: OptOutDay! (Sun, 16 Aug, 2009 11:04) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Westliches Urheberrecht Hilft dem iranischen Regime (Wed, 05 Aug, 2009 17:32) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Amazon – Petition gegen Ebook DRM (Wed, 05 Aug, 2009 10:32) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Die Botschaften der Piratenpartei sind im Kern kriminell (Mon, 20 Jul, 2009 17:52) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Vorsicht beim verwenden alternativer DNS Anbieter (Wed, 15 Jul, 2009 16:46) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Youtube stellt Unterstützung für IE6 ein ;) (Tue, 14 Jul, 2009 22:40) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Stellungnahme des CCC zum Thema Vorratsdatenspeicherung (Mon, 06 Jul, 2009 16:09) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Bundestag beschließt Datentransfers an die USA (Sat, 04 Jul, 2009 15:12) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Kriminalbeamte fordern “Melde-Knopf” für verdächtige Websites (Sat, 04 Jul, 2009 11:06) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Verfall der Diskussionskultur im Bundestag (Fri, 03 Jul, 2009 23:23) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Jörg Tauss Rede bei der Debatte über Grundrechte am 3.7.2009 (Fri, 03 Jul, 2009 16:19) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Piratenpartei – Mitgliederzahl steigt rasant an (Wed, 24 Jun, 2009 01:12) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Nokia Siemens soll Iran bei Überwachung geholfen haben (Tue, 23 Jun, 2009 06:58) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article CDU plant erneuten Verfassungsbruch (Tue, 23 Jun, 2009 01:41) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Warum es richtig war Jörg Tauss in die Piraten Partei aufzunehmen (Sun, 21 Jun, 2009 01:34) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Jörg Tauss wechselt zur Piratenpartei (Sat, 20 Jun, 2009 17:52) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article SPD Politikerin Angela Kolb fordert EU weite Internet Zensur (Sat, 20 Jun, 2009 12:50) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Die Piratenpartei bald im Bundestag ? (Fri, 19 Jun, 2009 14:19) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article 1,92 Million Dollar Strafe für 24 Musiktitel (Fri, 19 Jun, 2009 12:26) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article CDU Politiker Strobel plant Zensur gegen Computerspiele (Fri, 19 Jun, 2009 00:10) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Deutschland ist nun Mitglied im Club der Zensurländer ! (Thu, 18 Jun, 2009 23:39) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Piraten in der SPD – Wir holen uns das Netz zurück (Thu, 18 Jun, 2009 23:06) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article SPD verliert die Unterstützung des Online-Beirats (Thu, 18 Jun, 2009 22:32) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Wer hat uns Verraten ? SPD Unterstützt Zensur in Deutschland (Thu, 18 Jun, 2009 20:59) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article SPD Politiker Wiefelspütz fordert ausweitung der Internet Zensur – Update (Sat, 06 Jun, 2009 11:45) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Chaosradio » CR145: Internetsperren (Mon, 01 Jun, 2009 15:58) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Einige Gründe NICHT CDU/CSU zu wählen ! (Mon, 01 Jun, 2009 13:37) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article CRE124: Kampf gegen Zensursula (Sun, 31 May, 2009 14:59) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article KemperTrautman gegen freie Meinungsäußerung ? -Update (Sat, 23 May, 2009 11:00) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Obama – Netanyahu Presse-Konferenz (Wed, 20 May, 2009 12:05) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Grundeinkommen ( Doku Film ) (Fri, 08 May, 2009 11:39) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Kleines Erdbeben in Süddeutschland – Update (Tue, 05 May, 2009 04:16) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Internet Zensur gegen Urheberrechtsverletzungen ? (Sat, 25 Apr, 2009 12:11) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article ACTA Dokumente tauchen bei wikileaks auf (Sun, 12 Apr, 2009 15:09) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Ubuntu Portable für Windows (Thu, 26 Mar, 2009 14:49) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Hausdurchsuchung bei wikileaks Domaininhaber (Wed, 25 Mar, 2009 11:02) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Erstellen von H.264 basierten Flash streams mit freier Software (Tue, 24 Mar, 2009 14:46) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Ebook – Liberalism by Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse – 1911 (Tue, 10 Mar, 2009 17:37) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Audiobook – On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (Tue, 17 Feb, 2009 14:54) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Citizen’s Briefing Book: Dr. Steven Chu reacts (Tue, 20 Jan, 2009 22:41) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Barack Obama – From Lady Liberty to renewable energy (Tue, 20 Jan, 2009 17:52) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Obama Administration: Inside the Transition: Technology, Innovation and Government Reform (Tue, 20 Jan, 2009 12:30) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article John F. Kennedy Speech, July 15, 1960 (Mon, 19 Jan, 2009 15:13) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Early Television Remote Control (Sat, 17 Jan, 2009 11:26) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Berlin 1961 – Mauerbau (Fri, 16 Jan, 2009 00:31) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article GNU / Linux : The Codebreakers (Thu, 15 Jan, 2009 00:56) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Trip Down San Francisco’s Market Street Before the Fire (1905) (Thu, 15 Jan, 2009 00:52) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Autobiography of a jeep (Thu, 15 Jan, 2009 00:52) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article History of Communication (Thu, 15 Jan, 2009 00:51) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Geschichte zweier Städte: Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Thu, 15 Jan, 2009 00:45) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Exercise Desert Rock (1951) (Thu, 15 Jan, 2009 00:45) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article CC+: Creative Commons and Commerce (Thu, 15 Jan, 2009 00:44) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Why We Fight: The Battle of China (Thu, 15 Jan, 2009 00:44) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress (Thu, 15 Jan, 2009 00:44) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Free Software Filk song – Infinite Hands (Thu, 15 Jan, 2009 00:36) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Don’t Be a Sucker (1947) (Thu, 15 Jan, 2009 00:36) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Golden Gate Bridge Opening 1936 (Wed, 14 Jan, 2009 23:20) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article the house in the middle (Public Domain) (Wed, 14 Jan, 2009 23:20) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Bridging San Francisco Bay Bridge (Wed, 14 Jan, 2009 23:20) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article ESCAPE (Wed, 14 Jan, 2009 23:09) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Far Speak – History of communication (Wed, 14 Jan, 2009 21:27) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article Telephone and Telegraph (Wed, 14 Jan, 2009 21:24) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article The 957th Day (Wed, 14 Jan, 2009 21:01) from feed OpenCast as it is too old.
Skipping article's Krenek Promoted To Editor In Chief, Newsday; Will Head Both (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 23:06) from feed paidcontent as it is too old.
Skipping article eMarketer Trims '09 Online Ad Forecast (Again), But Calls 'Bottom' (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 21:56) from feed paidcontent as it is too old.
Skipping article paidContent Quick Hits 12.11.09 (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 23:00) from feed paidcontent as it is too old.
Skipping article Craigslist Founder Newmark: I've Never Looked At eBay's Classifieds Site (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 18:59) from feed paidcontent as it is too old.
Skipping article Reader's Digest Lays Off Publisher Tracey Altman (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 20:28) from feed paidcontent as it is too old.
Skipping article Apple Countersues Nokia Over Mobile Patents (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 16:49) from feed paidcontent as it is too old.
Skipping article Guardian News & Media Confirms Commercial Cuts, No Model For Podcast Ads (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 04:27) from feed paidcontent as it is too old.
Skipping article Game Sales Down In November, Analysts Split On Whether We'll See Holiday Rebound (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 16:58) from feed paidcontent as it is too old.
Skipping article Microsoft's MSN Partners With IGN For New Video Game Site (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 03:36) from feed paidcontent as it is too old.
Skipping article SEC Watch: New Discovery COO Liguori Gets $200,000 Signing Bonus (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 21:58) from feed paidcontent as it is too old.
Skipping article The Latest On The Wind-Down Of Music Startup SeeqPod (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 06:04) from feed paidcontent as it is too old.
Skipping article WebMediaBrands Acquires Social Times; Meckler: One More Acquisition This Year (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 03:15) from feed paidcontent as it is too old.
Skipping article Cox Enterprises Does An About-Face, Decides To Keep Valpak (Thu, 10 Dec, 2009 23:35) from feed paidcontent as it is too old.
Skipping article paidContent Quick Hits 12.10.09 (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 18:06) from feed paidcontent as it is too old.
Skipping article Yahoo's Morse Says Search Business Is Improving (Thu, 10 Dec, 2009 22:35) from feed paidcontent as it is too old.
Skipping article NCR Boosts Blockbuster's DVD Kiosk Plans With DVDPlay Buy (Thu, 10 Dec, 2009 18:55) from feed paidcontent as it is too old.
Skipping article AdAge Editor Bloom Defects To Breaking Media; Trade Mag Names Klaassen Editor (Thu, 10 Dec, 2009 21:20) from feed paidcontent as it is too old.
Skipping article Editor & Publisher To Close, After Failed Attempts To Sell It (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 00:10) from feed paidcontent as it is too old.
Skipping article Zuckerberg Changes His Own Privacy Settings (Sat, 12 Dec, 2009 01:45) from feed readwrite as it is too old.
Skipping article Harvard Medical School's Learning Technology Must Be Smart...Right? (Sat, 12 Dec, 2009 01:38) from feed readwrite as it is too old.
Skipping article Forget the Web 2.0 Glamour - the Money's in the Enterprise (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 20:58) from feed readwrite as it is too old.
Skipping article Draw Your Own iPhone Game With Pencil and Paper (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 19:41) from feed readwrite as it is too old.
Skipping article Find Without Searching: Google Brings Universal Search to Google Suggest (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 19:36) from feed readwrite as it is too old.
Skipping article Tumblr Goes Real Time (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 18:29) from feed readwrite as it is too old.
Skipping article Top 10 Startup Products of 2009 (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 15:59) from feed readwrite as it is too old.
Skipping article 10 Ways Social Media Will Change In 2010 (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 14:59) from feed readwrite as it is too old.
Skipping article Downloading Frenzy in China: Gov't Blocking All Torrent Sites Soon? (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 03:55) from feed readwrite as it is too old.
Skipping article Bank Login-Stealing Botnet Found Hiding in Amazon Cloud (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 03:33) from feed readwrite as it is too old.
Skipping article Why Facebook Changed Its Privacy Strategy (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 02:13) from feed readwrite as it is too old.
Skipping article No Cyber Czar for You, America: Obama Fails to Appoint InfoSec Head (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 01:00) from feed readwrite as it is too old.
Skipping article On Favrd, Twitter & Community: Why You Should Be Able to Count the Stars (Fri, 11 Dec, 2009 00:29) from feed readwrite as it is too old.
Skipping article 5 Enterprise Trends to Watch in 2010: Part 1 (Thu, 10 Dec, 2009 21:36) from feed readwrite as it is too old.
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Downloaded article: Samstag App Fieber: Semsix, Vijusto, netzpublik from
Recursion limit reached. Skipping links in
Fetching saved to /private/var/folders/0Y/0YOfNUPl2RWmyE+8ZQIM2U+++TM/-Tmp-/calibre_0.6.27_B5BuQv_plumber/feed_4/article_0/index.xhtml
Downloaded article: First Take: Nook Ready To Try; Buy? Not So Fast from
Recursion limit reached. Skipping links in saved to /private/var/folders/0Y/0YOfNUPl2RWmyE+8ZQIM2U+++TM/-Tmp-/calibre_0.6.27_B5BuQv_plumber/feed_4/article_1/index.xhtml
Downloaded article: How Spike TV Is Driving Digital Revenue From The Video Game Awards from
Skipping invalid link:
Recursion limit reached. Skipping links in saved to /private/var/folders/0Y/0YOfNUPl2RWmyE+8ZQIM2U+++TM/-Tmp-/calibre_0.6.27_B5BuQv_plumber/feed_5/article_0/readwriteweb_events_guide_12_december_2009.xhtml
Downloaded article: ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 12 December 2009 from
Parsing all content...
Parsing index.html ...
Parsing feed_4/article_0/index.html ...
Initial parse failed:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "calibre/ebooks/oeb/base.pyo", line 802, in first_pass
  File "lxml.etree.pyx", line 2435, in lxml.etree.fromstring (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:24170)
  File "parser.pxi", line 1511, in lxml.etree._parseMemoryDocument (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:64170)
  File "parser.pxi", line 1383, in lxml.etree._parseDoc (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:63041)
  File "parser.pxi", line 892, in lxml.etree._BaseParser._parseUnicodeDoc (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:59878)
  File "parser.pxi", line 538, in lxml.etree._ParserContext._handleParseResultDoc (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:56751)
  File "parser.pxi", line 624, in lxml.etree._handleParseResult (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:57595)
  File "parser.pxi", line 564, in lxml.etree._raiseParseError (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:56993)
XMLSyntaxError: xmlParseEntityRef: no name, line 76, column 50

Parsing file 'feed_4/article_0/index.html' as HTML
Forcing feed_4/article_0/index.html into XHTML namespace
Parsing feed_4/article_1/stylesheets/style0.css ...
Parsing feed_1/article_0/index.html ...
Initial parse failed:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "calibre/ebooks/oeb/base.pyo", line 802, in first_pass
  File "lxml.etree.pyx", line 2435, in lxml.etree.fromstring (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:24170)
  File "parser.pxi", line 1511, in lxml.etree._parseMemoryDocument (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:64170)
  File "parser.pxi", line 1383, in lxml.etree._parseDoc (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:63041)
  File "parser.pxi", line 892, in lxml.etree._BaseParser._parseUnicodeDoc (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:59878)
  File "parser.pxi", line 538, in lxml.etree._ParserContext._handleParseResultDoc (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:56751)
  File "parser.pxi", line 624, in lxml.etree._handleParseResult (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:57595)
  File "parser.pxi", line 564, in lxml.etree._raiseParseError (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:56993)
XMLSyntaxError: Namespace prefix fb on login-button is not defined, line 90, column 47

Parsing file 'feed_1/article_0/index.html' as HTML
Forcing feed_1/article_0/index.html into XHTML namespace
Parsing feed_5/article_0/index.html ...
Parsing feed_1/index.html ...
Parsing feed_1/article_0/stylesheets/style3.css ...
Property: Unknown Property name. [37:2: -ms-filter]
Property: Unknown Property name. [38:2: filter]
Property: Unknown Property name. [39:2: -moz-opacity]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: expression(document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.offsetHeight?document.body.scrollHeight: document.body.offsetHeight +  'px') [45:6: height]
Property: Unknown Property name. [58:2: -moz-box-shadow]
Property: Unknown Property name. [59:2: -webkit-box-shadow]
Property: Unknown Property name. [60:2: -khtml-box-shadow]
Property: Unknown Property name. [61:2: box-shadow]
CSSFunction: No match: ('CHAR', u'.', 66, 41)
CSSValue: Missing token for production Choice(number, percentage, dimension): ('CHAR', u'(', 66, 62)
CSSStyleDeclaration: Syntax Error in Property: margin-top: expression(0 - parseInt(this.offsetHeight / 2) + (TBWindowMargin = document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop) + 'px')
CSSFunction: No match: ('CHAR', u'.', 136, 41)
CSSValue: Missing token for production Choice(number, percentage, dimension): ('CHAR', u'(', 136, 62)
CSSStyleDeclaration: Syntax Error in Property: margin-top: expression(0 - parseInt(this.offsetHeight / 2) + (TBWindowMargin = document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop) + 'px')
Property: Unknown Property name. [146:2: filter]
Property: Unknown Property name. [147:2: -moz-opacity]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: expression(document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.offsetHeight?document.body.scrollHeight: document.body.offsetHeight +  'px') [155:6: height]
Property: Unknown Property name. [162:2: _margin-bottom]
Parsing feed_4/article_1/index.html ...
Initial parse failed:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "calibre/ebooks/oeb/base.pyo", line 802, in first_pass
  File "lxml.etree.pyx", line 2435, in lxml.etree.fromstring (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:24170)
  File "parser.pxi", line 1511, in lxml.etree._parseMemoryDocument (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:64170)
  File "parser.pxi", line 1383, in lxml.etree._parseDoc (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:63041)
  File "parser.pxi", line 892, in lxml.etree._BaseParser._parseUnicodeDoc (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:59878)
  File "parser.pxi", line 538, in lxml.etree._ParserContext._handleParseResultDoc (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:56751)
  File "parser.pxi", line 624, in lxml.etree._handleParseResult (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:57595)
  File "parser.pxi", line 564, in lxml.etree._raiseParseError (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:56993)
XMLSyntaxError: xmlParseEntityRef: no name, line 76, column 134

Parsing file 'feed_4/article_1/index.html' as HTML
Forcing feed_4/article_1/index.html into XHTML namespace
Parsing feed_1/article_0/stylesheets/style0.css ...
CSSStylesheet: CSSCharsetRule only allowed at beginning of stylesheet. [2:1: @charset ]
CSS import of missing file u'feed_1/article_0/stylesheets/css/yaml/core/base.css'
CSSImportRule: While processing imported style sheet href=u'css/yaml/core/base.css': IOError('Cannot read Stylesheet.',)
CSSStylesheet: Cannot insert @import here, found @namespace, @variables, @media, @page or CSSStyleRule before index 2.
Parsing feed_4/index.html ...
Initial parse failed:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "calibre/ebooks/oeb/base.pyo", line 802, in first_pass
  File "lxml.etree.pyx", line 2435, in lxml.etree.fromstring (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:24170)
  File "parser.pxi", line 1511, in lxml.etree._parseMemoryDocument (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:64170)
  File "parser.pxi", line 1383, in lxml.etree._parseDoc (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:63041)
  File "parser.pxi", line 892, in lxml.etree._BaseParser._parseUnicodeDoc (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:59878)
  File "parser.pxi", line 538, in lxml.etree._ParserContext._handleParseResultDoc (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:56751)
  File "parser.pxi", line 624, in lxml.etree._handleParseResult (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:57595)
  File "parser.pxi", line 564, in lxml.etree._raiseParseError (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:56993)
XMLSyntaxError: xmlParseEntityRef: no name, line 35, column 178

Parsing file 'feed_4/index.html' as HTML
Forcing feed_4/index.html into XHTML namespace
Parsing feed_2/index.html ...
Parsing feed_5/article_0/stylesheets/style0.css ...
CSS import of missing file u'feed_5/article_0/stylesheets/base_theme.css'
CSSImportRule: While processing imported style sheet href=u'base_theme.css': IOError('Cannot read Stylesheet.',)
CSSStylesheet: CSSImportRule not allowed here. [4:1: @import]
CSS import of missing file u'/mt-static/themes/rww-ideacodes/screen.css'
CSSImportRule: While processing imported style sheet href=u'/mt-static/themes/rww-ideacodes/screen.css': IOError('Cannot read Stylesheet.',)
CSSStylesheet: Cannot insert @import here, found @namespace, @variables, @media, @page or CSSStyleRule before index 3.
Parsing feed_5/article_0/stylesheets/style1.css ...
CSSStylesheet: CSSCharsetRule only allowed at beginning of stylesheet. [2:1: @charset ]
Parsing feed_4/article_1/stylesheets/style1.css ...
Parsing feed_3/index.html ...
Parsing feed_0/index.html ...
Parsing feed_1/article_0/stylesheets/style2.css ...
Parsing feed_4/article_0/stylesheets/style1.css ...
Parsing feed_4/article_0/stylesheets/style0.css ...
Parsing feed_5/index.html ...
Parsing feed_1/article_0/stylesheets/style1.css ...
CSSStylesheet: CSSCharsetRule only allowed at beginning of stylesheet. [2:1: @charset ]
Referenced file '/topic/mtv' not found
Referenced file u'feed_1/article_0/images/minus.png' not found
Referenced file u'feed_1/article_0/images/delete.png' not found
Referenced file u'feed_5/article_0/stylesheets/images/bestof2009.png' not found
Referenced file '/categories.php' not found
Referenced file 'feed_5/article_0/' not found
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Referenced file '/topic/ereaders' not found
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Referenced file '/topic/books' not found
Referenced file '/image/nook-reading' not found
Referenced file '/topic/companies' not found
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Referenced file '/archives/trends' not found
Referenced file '/topic/entertainment' not found
Referenced file '/wp-content/themes/default/search/nwe.xml' not found
Referenced file '/favicon.ico' not found
Referenced file u'feed_1/article_0/stylesheets/gfx/empf_bg.gif' not found
Referenced file '/tag/nook' not found
Referenced file '/topic/advertising' not found
Referenced file '/topic/gaming' not found
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Referenced file '/topic/viacom' not found
Referenced file u'feed_1/article_0/stylesheets/gfx/galerie/links.gif' not found
Referenced file 'feed_5/article_0/' not found
Referenced file '/private/var/folders/0Y/0YOfNUPl2RWmyE%2b8ZQIM2U%2b%2b%2bTM/-Tmp-/calibre_0.6.27_B5BuQv_plumber/feed_1/article_0/index.xhtml' not found
Referenced file '/topic/kindle' not found
Referenced file u'feed_1/article_0/images/edit.png' not found
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Referenced file '/topic/' not found
Referenced file '/wp-content/themes/default/gfx/nwe/favicon.ico' not found
Referenced file u'feed_1/article_0/images/cancel.png' not found
Referenced file '/topic/social-media' not found
Referenced file '/topic/tv' not found
Referenced file u'feed_1/article_0/stylesheets/gfx/galerie/blank.gif' not found
Referenced file '/archives/products' not found
Reading TOC from NCX...
Merging user specified metadata...
Detecting structure...
Flattening CSS and remapping font sizes...
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: px [1:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: px [1:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: px [1:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 150 [1:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 240 [1:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 171 [1:13: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 25 [1:1: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 240 [1:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 133 [1:13: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 25 [1:1: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 150 [1:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 150 [1:13: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 250 [1:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 115 [1:13: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 250 [1:37: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 86 [1:49: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 250 [1:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 91 [1:13: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 184 [1:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 110 [1:13: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 200 [1:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 100 [1:13: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 250 [1:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 115 [1:13: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 250 [1:37: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 146 [1:49: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 220 [1:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 168 [1:13: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 250 [1:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 65 [1:13: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 250 [1:37: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 31 [1:49: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 250 [1:38: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 37 [1:50: height]
Source base font size is 12.00000pt
Cleaning up manifest...
Trimming unused files from manifest...
Parsing stylesheet.css ...
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: bottom [138:1: text-align]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 150 [216:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 171 [307:1: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 240 [316:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 25 [334:1: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 133 [351:1: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 240 [360:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 150 [364:1: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 150 [365:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 115 [389:1: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 250 [391:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 91 [395:1: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 250 [397:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 110 [401:1: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 184 [403:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 100 [407:1: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 200 [409:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 115 [413:1: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 250 [415:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 168 [419:1: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 220 [421:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 65 [425:1: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 250 [427:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: px [574:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 86 [583:1: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 250 [588:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 31 [593:1: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 250 [598:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 146 [603:1: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 250 [608:1: width]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 37 [613:1: height]
Property: Invalid value for "CSS Level 2.1" property: 250 [618:1: width]
Creating MOBI Output...
Generating in-line TOC...
Applying case-transforming CSS...
Parsing manglecase.css ...
Parsing tocstyle.css ...
Rasterizing SVG images...
Converting XHTML to Mobipocket markup...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Applications/", line 90, in main
  File "calibre/gui2/convert/gui_conversion.pyo", line 21, in gui_convert
  File "calibre/ebooks/conversion/plumber.pyo", line 842, in run
  File "calibre/ebooks/mobi/output.pyo", line 166, in convert
  File "calibre/ebooks/mobi/mobiml.pyo", line 99, in __call__
  File "calibre/ebooks/mobi/mobiml.pyo", line 122, in mobimlize_spine
  File "calibre/ebooks/mobi/mobiml.pyo", line 390, in mobimlize_elem
  File "calibre/ebooks/mobi/mobiml.pyo", line 390, in mobimlize_elem
  File "calibre/ebooks/mobi/mobiml.pyo", line 359, in mobimlize_elem
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'unicode' and 'int'

Last edited by mtravellerh; 12-13-2009 at 10:51 AM.
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