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Old 07-12-2013, 03:33 AM   #182
maniattico began at the beginning.
Posts: 10
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Join Date: May 2013
Device: Kindle for Android

Thank you for the work. However, half of my library are not found by goodreads.

One of that is the following (for example):

calibre, version 0.9.39
ERROR: No se encontraron coincidencias: <p>No se pudo encontrar ningún libro que coincidiera con su búsqueda. Inténtelo haciendo la búsqueda <b>menos específica</b>. por ejemplo, use sólo el apellido del autor y una sola palabra del título.<p>Para ver el registro completo, pulse «Mostrar detalles».

Running identify query with parameters:
{u'authors': [u'John Connolly'], u'identifiers': {}, u'timeout': 30, u'title': u'Todo Lo Que Muere'}
Using plugins: Goodreads
The log from individual plugins is below

****************************** Goodreads ******************************
Request extra headers: [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1')]
Found 0 results
Downloading from Goodreads took 1.07399988174
Rejecting as not close enough match: Every Dead Thing (Charlie Parker, #1) [u'John Connolly']
No matches found with query: u'[query]=Todo+Lo+Que+Muere+John+Connolly'

************************************************** ******************************
The identify phase took 1.22 seconds
The longest time (1.074000) was taken by: Goodreads
Merging results from different sources and finding earliest publication dates from the service
We have 0 merged results, merging took: 0.00 seconds

If I copy the URL and put it on a browser, goodreads match a result:[query]=Todo+Lo+Que+Muere+John+Connolly

Thank you in advanced.

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