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Old 05-15-2008, 05:06 AM   #51
silkpag began at the beginning.
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Originally Posted by Hadrien View Post
It's both a software and a hardware thing. Mobile devices have limited CPU cycles and RAM, and the normal way to parse XTML/CSS is to parse the whole flow. With limited CPU cycles, this can take time, and with limited RAM it's hard to cache this.

While it's technically possible to parse the data in another way, it's a lot harder to implement compared to the usual techniques.

But if you can divide your text into multiple flows, then it is definitely a best practice to divide it into multiple flows instead of using a CSS property for page breaks.
Yeah, but there is nothing in the .epub specification which requires the division of text. It's certainly possible; anyone who's lived with Sony has done it, but it's not in the spec and by definition not the fault of the content provider. This need to divide should be properly labeled, and other open-source programmers (like DAISY, if they still care about .epub) should be informed.

Come on, we're talking text. Just... text. In 2008. Compare the hardware in the average smartphone to the hardware in a typical PC running Windows 95...

/Aside, ever noticed that books from the Sony store by major publishers appear not to have any divisions or tables of contents whatsoever? I'm probably not the only one who will resent this attitude...
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