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Old 10-06-2011, 01:25 PM   #6
Nameless Being
Uh, if I can throw in a dissenting vote - slicing the image might get you the angled appearance you want, but it may not play well with reflowing text.

If I understand correctly, the approach being suggested here would have you placing a slice and a (truncated) line of text on the same line, like this:

[small slice] The quick brown
[larger slice...]  dog jumps over the lazy fox. The
[even larger slice...]  quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox.
But if you don't view the text at exactly the same resolution you designed it in - for instance, if you try to switch to a bigger font size for easier reading - I'm pretty sure it's going to break your nice formatting, so you'll have text interspersed with the slices and making a total mess.

[small slice]
The quick brown
[larger slice...]
dog jumps over the lazy fox. The
[even larger slice...]
quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox.
...unless there's some way to prevent this that I'm missing?
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