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Old 02-17-2011, 03:39 AM   #3
Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.
Posts: 31
Karma: 17602
Join Date: Nov 2010
Device: Kobo Glo and Kindle 3
Don't like reading PDFs on the Kindle, it really doesn't render them well since you can't simply increase text size just as a zoom function (Sony is better for PDFs)

What I do is use mobipocketcreator to convert PDF books and it does a great job (I use Calibre for almost everything but for converting PDF books mobipocket is better)


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