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Old 09-28-2011, 01:00 PM   #3
fluzao began at the beginning.
Posts: 15
Karma: 10
Join Date: Apr 2011
Device: Kindle
3. Get rid of the copyright footer and the “Texto Anterior” and “Próximo Texto” bits. DONE

Improved recipe (also attached):

from import BasicNewsRecipe
from calibre.ebooks.BeautifulSoup import Tag, NavigableString

import string, re
class FSP(BasicNewsRecipe):

    title      = u'Folha de S\xE3o Paulo'
    __author__ = 'fluzao'
    description = u'Printed edition contents. UOL subscription required (Folha subscription currently not supported).' + \
                  u' [Conte\xfado completo da edi\xe7\xe3o impressa. Somente para assinantes UOL.]'
    INDEX = ''
    language = 'pt'
    no_stylesheets = True
    max_articles_per_feed  = 40
    remove_javascript     = True
    needs_subscription = True
    remove_tags_before = dict(name='b')
    remove_tags  = [dict(name='td', attrs={'align':'center'})]
    remove_attributes = ['height','width']
    masthead_url = ''

    # fixes the problem with the section names
    section_dict = {'cotidian' : 'cotidiano', 'ilustrad': 'ilustrada', \
                    'quadrin': 'quadrinhos' , 'opiniao' : u'opini\xE3o', \
                    'ciencia' : u'ci\xeancia' , 'saude' : u'sa\xfade', \
                    'ribeirao' : u'ribeir\xE3o' , 'equilibrio' : u'equil\xedbrio'}

    # this solves the problem with truncated content in Kindle
    conversion_options = {'linearize_tables' : True}

    # this bit removes the footer where there are links for Proximo Texto, Texto Anterior,
    #    Indice e Comunicar Erros
    preprocess_regexps = [(re.compile(r'<BR><BR>Texto Anterior:.*<!--/NOTICIA-->',
                                      re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE), lambda match: r''),
                          (re.compile(r'<BR><BR>Pr&oacute;ximo Texto:.*<!--/NOTICIA-->',
                                      re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE), lambda match: r'')]  
    def get_browser(self):
        br = BasicNewsRecipe.get_browser()
        if self.username is not None and self.password is not None:
            br.form = br.forms().next()
            br['user']   = self.username
            br['pass'] = self.password
            raw = br.submit().read()
##            if 'Please try again' in raw:
##                raise Exception('Your username and password are incorrect')
        return br

    def parse_index(self):
        soup = self.index_to_soup(self.INDEX)
        cover = None
        feeds = []
        articles = []
        section_title = "Preambulo"
        for post in soup.findAll('a'):
            # if name=True => new section
            strpost = str(post)
            if strpost.startswith('<a name'):
                if articles:
                    feeds.append((section_title, articles))
                    self.log('--> new section found, creating old section feed: ', section_title)
                section_title = post['name']
                if section_title in self.section_dict:
                    section_title = self.section_dict[section_title]
                articles = []
                self.log('--> new section title:   ', section_title)
            if strpost.startswith('<a href'):
                url = post['href']
                if url.startswith('/fsp'):
                    url = ''+url
                    title = self.tag_to_string(post)
                    self.log('--> post:  ', post)
                    self.log('--> url:   ', url)
                    self.log('--> title: ', title)
                    articles.append({'title':title, 'url':url})
        if articles:
            feeds.append((section_title, articles))

        # keeping the front page url
        minha_capa = feeds[0][1][1]['url']

        # removing the 'Preambulo' section
        del feeds[0]
        # creating the url for the cover image
        coverurl = feeds[0][1][0]['url']
        coverurl = coverurl.replace('/opiniao/fz', '/images/cp')
        coverurl = coverurl.replace('01.htm', '.jpg')
        self.cover_url = coverurl

        # inserting the cover page as the first article (nicer for kindle users)
        feeds.insert(0,(u'primeira p\xe1gina', [{'title':u'Primeira p\xe1gina' , 'url':minha_capa}]))
        return feeds
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Last edited by fluzao; 09-28-2011 at 01:10 PM. Reason: max_articles_per_feed fix (2 to 40)
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