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Old 09-13-2012, 10:52 AM   #6
Nameless Being
Even if you create your own mobi/KF8 book with the CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) necessary to display a black background with white text the Kindles with eInk will ignore that format and display black (or some shade of gray) text on white (blank) background. I've tried before but in every case with every Kindle eInk I used the Kindle over rode the formatting and and displayed the standard black text on white background.

I prefer dark text on light background for Kindles and printed material, but someone had asked if it could be reversed. It couldn't via mobi/KF8. You could of course create image files formatted like that, or perhaps a PDF file, but image files are not reflowable text. I did create an image file as described and it looked terrible on a Kindle or Sony. There are good reasons why Kindle eInk devices refuse to display reflowable text reversed in color. I won't go over those except to say that if you look closely at LCD devices which can display white text on black backgrounds, the fonts often look much thinner than they do when the same text is displayed as black on white background.

Having said all that I agree with others here and say there won't be glare on a Kindle like there is from an LCD device.
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