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Old 05-24-2010, 08:30 PM   #1
Nameless Being
Swift, Jonathan: Gulliver's Travels. (Illustrated) V1. 24 May 2010

So it is highly unlikely, but if anyone out there is not already familiar with this book it is Jonathan Swift's great satire of the England and Europe he lived in presented in the form of a four successive voyages to fantastic fantasy countries. It can also be a lot of fun for children as well. Well I recall my eagerness to see the animated film when I was a kid. The movie of course omitted the more prurient aspects in the book and was limited to Gulliver's travel to Lilliput. That makes sense of course, what child does not fantasize about being a giant among little people?

The book also contributed some new words to the English vocabulary. Yahoo that was once a purely pejorative term. Lilliputian of course. I believe also that “Big Endian” and “Little Endian” storage of numbers in computer memory arose out of this book. And less of common use Brobdingnagian for something large.

Real off topic aside related to that. A couple of years ago I chanced on the Internet site for the Brobdingnagian Bards, a modern duo that plays both traditional Celtic folk music as well as their own modern material intended to be plain entertaining. They also have an approach to selling their music that a lot of people here will appreciate. Give some free MP3s away in hopes that people will like them and pay to download more songs or buy their CDs. If you do visit their site I recommend the free download of Loch Lomond (a wonderful song that has stood the test of time and is a favorite of mine) for a taste of their traditional work, and Do Virgins Taste Better Medley for a taste of there modern all in fun stuff.

So I started with the version uploaded here by Jellby, corrected a very small number of errors, did some reformatting to my personal preferences, and in the main added the illustrations. Many of the original illustrations were color plates and these were included in one version here. I found for a reader that only renders in gray-scale that the color images do not look as sharp as if scanned in gray-scale. At least I found that so for my Sony 900. So I have included that version as well.
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