Thread: MobileRead December 2011 - Book Club Vote
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Old 11-21-2011, 03:49 PM   #11
Nameless Being
Originally Posted by WT Sharpe View Post
Think of it as a political election. No one can see what you do in the booth, but the public statements you make and the campaigning you do are up to you.

How does every one else feel about this?
Well it was my understanding that the hidden polling of last month was a test to be followed by a poll to determine what the book club participants preferred. I still prefer a transparent poll, but then I do not think "strategic voting" is a bad thing, quite to the contrary it helps produce a selection most acceptable to the greatest number of people.

That be as it may if a blind poll is to be the new norm that is fine. Despite a late scare none of the books that made it through to the polling is in the absolutely no interest (and isn't even a classic) status for me. At least in the US almost all elections are between two candidates so the analogy is not quite there.
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