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Old 08-24-2010, 09:10 PM   #8
Timber began at the beginning.
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Device: iPad, Macbook Pro, Kindle
OK got a work around for this. It's not a huge reduction in size like you'd want, but it takes a 39 MB input and gives you an 11 MB output, which is OK.

Here's what you do. You'll need Adobe Acrobat Standard edition for this. Open the large PDF that was scanned as images and choose Save As. I used output to Doc because of the huge space savings over RTF. I also used the option to add tags.

Then you'll see in the output that some of the full screen images are off the printable page. Handle this by opening the Doc file and choosing smaller margins than the 1" all around default. I used .75" but most anything in that range of margins will work fine. I saved the result out as .Docx for the additional space savings.

Next issue, Calibre is a great tool, but it won't read Word Documents (.doc or .docx). I handled this by saving the result out as .HTML. Loaded the result into Calibre, added my meta data and hit convert and voila, the 39 MB source was now an 11 MB .LRF file. (the output format for your book reader goes here).

Not perfect by a long shot. On my reader most books are 0.2 - 0.5 MB, and this one was 11.1, but a heck of a lot better than the huge files I was getting before.
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