Thread: Request pdf files and spreadsheet
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Old 07-27-2010, 01:42 PM   #1
Edge User
pdf files and spreadsheet

I am thinking about buying an Entourage Edge, but some things are not clear to me. T have 3 questions for now:
1. Is there an excel kind of spreadsheet present?
2. When reading a pdf file of, say 20 pages on the E ink screen. When I am reading page 18 and I want to look at something I remember is on page 4, can I go to page 4 immidiately, or do I have to page through al pages in between?
3. I want to use the Edge for astronomy purposes (reading star charts in the dark with a very faint red light only), so at night I intent to use only the E ink part, because it has to stay very dark. What I want to know is, if it is possible to turn all lights off.
