Thread: Development Browser-closing-problem solved?
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Old 04-21-2011, 04:30 AM   #10
Edge User
Back to Dingo

Ermine worked well for a couple of days after my first post in this thread, but then the closing of the browsers came back. First once in a day, soon very often again. Then the gallery dissapeared. The green images with the camera. Then the messages about the WSoD in the forum worried me.....
So I decided to go back to Dingo.
Downgrade went well, except that in the article "Revert from Froyo.." it says that after the spash screen had been displayed more than 20 minutes remove battery and AC (for EE) we have to do a second ugrade, power on with the menu+rotate buttons procedure. Then the "Updating software splash screen" should appear again after 2 minutes, but it didn't. The eDGe started up normally with the 4 dots.
Dingo is back, but the helpvideo's don't work anymore. I don't need them, but it's odd. The camera works well and gives very good pictures.
After that I upgraded to Ermine again to see if there was improvement. No: pictures from camera are green again, browser closes. Library restore did not work to internal storages (I preciously had the library on the SD-card, but hoped it would restore to internal storage in order to get the 3 GB back.)
After moving the library to SD-card again, the restoring worked well.
But because there was no improvement and in order to avoid the WSoD I decided to go back to Dingo. Downgrading went exactly the way it did the first time.
Now I have to decide whether I move the library to SD-card again or to start all over.
I think I'll wait a few days and see if there will be any development with Ermine.
No snow overhere. It's sunny in the Netherlands. So keep up the good hope.