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Old 07-14-2013, 11:15 AM   #9
Nameless Being
I'm not sure why some get so bent out of shape when others have issues with device screens, be it a Kindle Paperwhite or a Mac Mini. Everyone's eyesight is unique to them, so some will be fine with a screen and some will have issues. Get over it! If your eyes are fine with a screen, just be thankful, and please shut the bleep up with your arguing against those who don't have as good of eyesight as you. It is stupid and it is childish and it is as futile as trying to prove or disprove the existence of god.

As far the Mini, it is on the bottom edge of readability with only about 163 dpi, compared to other similar sized tablets anyway. Some will have no issue with it, some will. I've said this before, there is no reason to put a double number of pixels into the Mini Screen, which is what Retina does. A 2048 x 1536 screen that is 7.9" will yield 324 dpi. Terrific, but overkill for a tablet. Using a 1280 x 960 screen would increase the Mini pitch to 203 dpi, and that would make a huge difference without breaking the bank.
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