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Old 09-02-2014, 12:14 PM   #21
Nameless Being
I don't see much incentive for Amazon to introduce the PW3--Buy our PW3, it has very slightly less shadows and color blotching in the screen and almost nothing else new. Heck their only true competition is Kobo, and those bozos cannot get their FW working correctly--EVER!

What can they add to it of any true interest? They will never fix that horrible light layer. I prefer the old IR screen technology to any technology that puts a gawd awful piece of plastic on top of the screen. There are no ground shaking improvements in eInk technology to include. There is no great improvement in resolution to be had. There is no speedy eInk screens that don't resemble an arthritic, elderly snail. There are no color eInk screens worth looking at, much less reading on. And after all these years does anyone actually think Amazon will give us useful formatting options in a FW update? The eInk's 15 minutes of fame are long up, and now the tablets are enjoying their time in the spot light.
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