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Old 11-10-2012, 12:58 PM   #149
Nameless Being
Originally Posted by Shykat View Post
eeerrrggghhh. I hate that. I don't mind sort by Recent it it means sort by date.

To me, it's such a simple request but very few ereading programs offer that feature and it's an absolute MUST for me.

Nope, it's not sorting by series that I need. I usually like to read a long book... say the first book in a series, then read a shorter book or two, then the next book in a series, then a shorter book, etc.

::sigh:: I would love the sync feature but NEED the sort by DATE.

ShuBooks labels it as USER and they have the older books at the bottom, newer ones at the top and they do NOT change the position of the ebook you currently are reading.

That's the feature that I NEED most for the way I read my books. ::grumbling in frustration:: Syncing books is my second major request when it comes to an ebook reader. I think it's the OCD in me.
If the sort feature is that important to you, then maybe you should rename all your books beginning with ###-Title where ### is 000 through 999. I don't think I've ever heard anyone else ever get upset over the lack of sorting by "date the book was added" so don't expect many reading apps to offer it.
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