Thread: Monday morning
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Old 07-07-2008, 11:26 AM   #15
Chocolate Grasshopper ...
GeoffC ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffC ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffC ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffC ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffC ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffC ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffC ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffC ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffC ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffC ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.GeoffC ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Originally Posted by montsnmags View Post
Geoff! I'm standing right here! I can hear everything you're saying!

Look, now you've got Adrian all twitchy and indignant. Don't blame me if he opens up a can of "Inadvertent" on you. He's a gibbon; he's a long reach, and he's starting to swing from the rafters and flail below.

To approach your theory, allow me to descend simiantically from the leafy end of the Boddhi tree...

In light of the fact that the Party occupies an infinite space across all known universes and trouser-legs (some of them occupied illegally, but the less said about that the better), the idea of there being "one party" is a redundancy of the "divide by zero error" kind. Since all actions open another pair of trouser-legs, and the transfer process creates holes in the knees to other legs and then repatches them (plus, there's the very special secret passageway via the fly...shhh), and modifications are self-cancelling such that interchange of all variations of the infinite number of GeoffC's are not only possible, but essential and inevitable (and they're all coming to the party but, by paradoxical definition, you won't meet any of them because you are them and all of you are only coming once to any specific instance of the Party)...well, suffice to say that "one party" is like saying there's "one quantum vacuum" - you haven't actually qualified or quantified anything meaningful. You've divided by zero, or multiplied zero by infinity, or something.

Secondly, you might consider this Party process anyway, what with the collapsing waveforms of an infinite number of variations of an infinite number of guests from an infinite number of trouser legs, to be a self-correcting perception distortion field creating artificial memories of multiple parties when only the one Party is actually held. Or, you might consider that each of the infinite number of Parties held fore and aft are delineated by a chronological perception filter we hold in our head to separate moment from moment and sort a conceivable order from the one inseparable Moment that is known as Forever.

Regardless of philosophies and the intricacies of Great Quantum Lie Geometry that is the multiverse, the theory you propose is irrelevant. Perception is 99% of the Law of Reality (the other 1% is caramel). As Maitre d' and Arbiter of Reality, the truth of the Parties is whatever I say it is.

Now I suggest singing to Adrian, and if you've got any icecream that will most assuredly help. If we can get him down from the rafters and stop the flailing, I may not have to arbite us some replacement heads he may otherwise choose to play with Harlem Globetrotters-style...

Ah, but you've forgotten the obvious, in your insistence on dividing and multiplying by zero. There is an infinite number of zeros in the Universe and even more beyond that. But is zero a 'prime' number - yeh, nay.. Trouser-leg mathematics is so last/next/this year in its application to non-number party theory of the alternative reality which this Lounge and the party exists.
What, then, of the skirt (or even the kilt Scot/Maori)...stick that in your gibbon-theory and swing yourself across the rafters holding together the planetary web... Ice Cream comes at a premium and, in anycase, it does not travel well between dimensions to or fro from/to this multi-party that is really the same party...

btw, I've sold 83.5 tickets to it, so far, this party that is, not the next or the previous. shall we offer a prize in a raffle...

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