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Old 04-05-2012, 12:49 PM   #52
kaminkatze plays well with otherskaminkatze plays well with otherskaminkatze plays well with otherskaminkatze plays well with otherskaminkatze plays well with otherskaminkatze plays well with otherskaminkatze plays well with otherskaminkatze plays well with otherskaminkatze plays well with otherskaminkatze plays well with otherskaminkatze plays well with others
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Originally Posted by geekmaster View Post
I also want to integrate it with the K3 tiny terminal script that does eips text output now (with its severely limited character set). You are welcome to do that if you wish.
I have a tinysh version that uses titty calls (initvar/eips -g for every key press). I guess with "to integrate it" you mean to merge both codes?

Scrolling and some other things that might be useful.


# titty - tiny tty (v1.3)
# display tiny text on eink
# requirements: titty.png.
# usage:
#   titty
#     cat self
#   titty [x y] [-k] [--] -|STRING|-f FILE
#     displays "STDIN", "echo STRING" or "cat FILE"
#       [x y]  initialize cursor at x y
#       [-k]   clear lines
#       [--]   treat as string
#   titty -s Y H S
#     move H-S lines S lines up, beginning with line Y+S
#   titty -mx|-my
#     return maximal x y coordinates
#   titty -v
#     return version
# hint: This runs at TTY speed.
# Copyright (C) 2012 geekmaster
# MIT License: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
# Revision History (last change first):
# =ver= =date===== =author===== =description============================
# 1.3   2012-04-05 kaminkatze   scrolling and options
# 1.2   2012-04-04 kaminkatze   k3 support and per line hexdump
# 1.1   2012-04-01 geekmaster   first release

# WARNING: If you don't stop using titty, you will go blind! :D

# initvar - init global vars
initvar() {
  V=1.3 # version
  eips -g "$0.png" # char map image
  DN=/dev/null DF=/dev/fb0 # devices
  set $(eips -i|grep res:); FW=$2 FH=$4 # fb0 width, height
  set $(eips -i|grep line); FS=$4 # fb0 stride
  CW=$((4*FS/FW)) CH=6 LH=7 # char width, height, line height
  LM=2 TM=$((CH*2)) # left, top margin px
  MX=$((FW*FS/FW-CW)) ML=$(((FH-TM)/LH-1)); MS=$((ML+FS)) # max X, line, stride
  CX=$LM CY=$TM # cursor coords
  DD="dd if=$DF of=$DF bs=1 count=$CW" # ddblit
  DL="dd if=$DF of=$DF bs=1 count=$((FS*CH)) skip=$((FS*CH))" # clear line
  Q=false # quit flag
  K=false # clear line flag
  JFS=$IFS # normal field separator

# usage: scroll y h s
scroll() {
  dd if=$DF of=$DF bs=1 count=$((FS*LH*($2-$3))) \
    skip=$((FS*(LH*($1+$3)+TM))) seek=$((FS*(LH*$1+TM))) 2>$DN
  eips ''

# titty - tiny tty
# displays STDIN
titty() {
  until $Q ;do IFS='\n'; read L || Q=true; IFS=$JFS
    $K && [[ $CX -eq $LM ]] && $DL seek=$((CY*FS)) 2>$DN
    for A in $(echo -n "$L" | hexdump -ve '/1 "%d\n"'); do
      if [[ $A -ne 32 ]]; then
        RO=$(((A-32)*CW)) FO=$((CY*FS+CX))
        for y in $(seq 1 $CH);do
          $DD skip=$RO seek=$FO 2>$DN; RO=$((RO+FS)) FO=$((FO+FS))
      fi; CX=$((CX+CW)); [[ $((CX%64)) -eq $LM ]] && eips ''
      if [[ $CX -gt $MX ]]; then CX=$LM CY=$((CY+LH))
        [[ $CY -gt $MS ]] && CY=$TM CX=$LM
        $K && $DL seek=$((CY*FS)) 2>$DN; fi
    done; eips ''
    CX=$LM CY=$((CY+LH)); [[ $CY -gt $MS ]] && break

# Do stuff!  :-)
if [[ "$1" == "" ]]; then cat "$0"|titty
else while [[ "$1" ]]; do
  case "$1" in
    -s) scroll $2 $3 $4; shift;shift;shift;shift;;
    -mx) echo $((FS/CW-CW)); shift;;
    -my) echo $ML; shift;;
    -f) cat "$2"|titty; shift;shift;;
    -) titty; shift;;
    -k) if [[ $CX -gt $LM ]]; then
          for y in $(seq 0 $((CH-1))); do
            dd if=$DF of=$DF bs=1 count=$((FS-CX)) \
              skip=$((FS*CH)) seek=$(((CY+y)*FS+CX)) 2>$DN
        fi; K=true; shift;;
    --) echo -n "$2"|titty; shift;shift;;
    -v) echo $V; shift;;
    *) if [[ -n "$3" ]]
       then CX=$((LM+$1*CW)) CY=$((TM+$2*LH)); shift;shift
       else echo -n "$1"|titty; shift
done; fi

Last edited by kaminkatze; 04-05-2012 at 05:22 PM.
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