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Old 01-17-2012, 07:41 AM   #3
Junior Junior Member
Sigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beautySigyn does all things with Zen-like beauty
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We have prime, but not a kindle. *sigh* We got a year of amazon prime for free when I was pregnant or the baby was really new, or something, and found out that we could get a lot of house hold stuff cheaper there and so signed up for prime after the year was up.

But we're still e-reader-less at our house, so . . .

Too bad mother's on the mac bandwagon thing, or I could borrow it from her, hrm . . <wanders off muttering and plotting in a probably futile manner>

I say futile, because mother wanted to get a new um mac laptop doolie [it has a specific name, darned if I can remember though] because she wanted it to match her phone. Or it was vice versa? So, probably no kindle for her.
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