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Old 11-25-2012, 04:39 AM   #22
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cristbo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcovercristbo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcovercristbo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcovercristbo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcovercristbo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcovercristbo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcovercristbo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcovercristbo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcovercristbo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcovercristbo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcovercristbo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcover
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Penitencia. J.E. Álamo

Un thriller de terror y suspense

El Segador, un asesino en serie que mutila y quema a sus víctimas antes de matarlas, está sembrando el caos en la ciudad. El inspector Aguirre, descreído y cínico será el encargado de darle captura, inmerso en una red de miedos del pasado entre los que intenta conservar su cordura.

Esta es una de las tramas de “Penitencia”, una novela coral dónde deambulan multitud de personajes e historias que acaban por converger en una telaraña de torturas, canibalismo y muerte, en cuyo centro hay un monstruo agazapado, que ha tejido su trampa con celo y paciencia infinita.

Y la hora donde todos deben cumplir su penitencia se aproxima…

Gratis en amazon. 25/11/12
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