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Old 09-30-2013, 06:04 AM   #1
jungelbobo began at the beginning.
Posts: 12
Karma: 10
Join Date: Apr 2006
Does your PW text gets lighter after a period of time?

I first picked up my PW in Jan.
Recently, i found that the text looked a lot whiter, when compared to what the PW looked in the first place, and it almost gives me difficulties reading them, Not just whiter, but you can see the text isn't filled by the "ink" properly and has some area isn't quite filled up. (looks like a bad photocopy)

And the temperature bug makes the problem worse (Not refreshing gives me brighter text somehow), and i have so much difficulty of reading the text and i have to leave it until the temperature bug is gone, not refreshing the screen every page, and continue reading.

Who else encounter this problem?
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