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Old 06-22-2010, 11:52 AM   #23
lilman has learned how to read e-bookslilman has learned how to read e-bookslilman has learned how to read e-bookslilman has learned how to read e-bookslilman has learned how to read e-bookslilman has learned how to read e-bookslilman has learned how to read e-bookslilman has learned how to read e-books
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Here's the features I'm working on for the next release of Canti:

-[coding completed] Bug fix: Single folder mode doesn't work on a single file (only a single folder)
Wow, single folder mode was broken big-time if you specify a single file and not a single folder. Looking through the code I'm surprised it ever worked. I've already fixed the problem and will release the update soon... sorry about that.
-[coding completed] .pdf support for input
Canti already had .pdf support for output, but now it will also have .pdf support for input. This probably won't be used much for manga/comics, but it's useful if you have a pdf doc that you want trimmed or want some pages of it as images. Note that this feature works by converting each page of the pdf doc to individual images; thus, an output pdf will not have the ability to rescale font like you can with typical pdf files.

The new version of Canti will be released soon. I'm already starting my next project so I want to leave Canti in as final a state as possible. If you want any other features or have any bugs to report, let me know now.

Coding and testing done. Fixed some bugs, added pdf input support (which works great... I already used it on a 150 page technical pdf to trim the margins. If you have an iPad you shouldn't need to use this since Goodreader has a manual crop feature, but for other readers it may be useful). I will wait a day or two before releasing the new update to see if there is anything else I want to add; after that, I'm moving on to a new project.

-Update 2-
Program is pretty much finalized. I'm working on a proper readme doc... better do that now since the program is still fresh in my head and I'll probably forget most of it when I start my new project. I've added default settings for a bunch of other ereader devices so I'll have to find a good place to upload the final program (no way I'm going into each ereader board to post this).

Expect a release in the next few days. It will be v1.81F, the F meaning that it should be the final release. Any further release after that is only if a bug is found or I add in functionality that I think is worth releasing to the public. But for the most part, I won't be working on this program anymore.

-Update 3-
I started making a proper doc for Canti and realized it was going to take a long time to do it right. I had a choice to make: work more on the code, or write a proper doc. I chose to work more on the code since that is more fun than technical documentation :P

Lots of updates in the final release of Canti. At this point I think I'm done with the coding, I just need to use it a while longer to make sure everything is working properly. Expect a release in the next few days.

-Update 4-
Final release is taking longer than I expected. The problem is I can't work on it every day, and the days I can work on it I can only get in an hour or two of programming/testing. Also, I keep coming up with features/improvements and I don't want to leave anything out of the final release. But no worries, the final release is coming... eventually

Last edited by lilman; 07-04-2010 at 03:48 PM.
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