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Old 06-18-2010, 06:45 AM   #13
Daddy Warpig
Daddy Warpig began at the beginning.
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Device: iPad & iPhone
Originally Posted by athlonkmf View Post
1) Rename files to appropiate name as you should have done for archiving anyway
2) drop collections into itunes

3) Open the just imported and sorted collection of comics and read.
So with ComicZeal, either the user has to rename files the programmer's way (otherwise they won't import and sort correctly) or the user has to memorize and use the programmer's idiosyncratic, convoluted method for sorting files on the iPad. In both cases, the user has to mold themselves to the tool.

Forcing the user to conform to the programmer is the very antithesis of the iPad design philosophy. As Jon Ive said in the introductory iPad video: "I don't have to change myself to fit the product, it fits me."

That's the iPad way. And ComicZeal doesn't conform.

(I'm sure other programs are as bad and probably worse. For example, a couple of games I've downloaded have lots of trouble with the "no right or wrong way to hold it" idea. But just because other programs do it worse, doesn't mean ComicZeal does it well.)
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