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Old 06-10-2010, 12:13 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by kgn View Post
Sure - and I guess a lot of people like it this way. To me it means I cannot scroll down the list of books to find what I want. In the case you give, I would look at the 'The World...' section of the list, and not find it there. I would never think to simply ignore the noise words - that is not how I (or I suggest, most people) think.

I am a software developer myself, so I do understand a lot about GUI design and all that stuff. Personally, if I included a feature like this, I would give the user the option to turn it off if so desired.

Please don't take my comments as being negative - I think Calibre is very useful and a job well done.
You can set the template(s) for save to device and save to disk.

Author has
{authors} Fn Ln
and {author_sort} Ln,Fn

Since I have 1K+ books on my SD Card
I create a folder to stick all the A_authors into,...
{author_sort[0]}_Authors/{authors} ;I like Fn Ln here but you can use {author_sort}
so I have only 26 (or so) first level folders. (my reader only supports basic file name, Date, type sorting)

The Title column in the display is interesting It shows the Title but sorts on a hidden field {sort} that has the noise word after a comma: "World is Round, The"

If you use the Tag Browser, you will find that the Author List is in Fn Ln order and not Author Sort order. The Catalog has some other tricks.
I guess I have been using desktop DB's for so long that I just ignore the noise words and was used to entering dates as yymmdd because there was only a text field available.

Remember that this program is used world wide in many languages. I have no clue what a "noise word" (if they exist) in any other language wold be.

BTW Where would yo put 20'00 Leagues under the sea?
Under 20,000 or Twenty-Thousand (I believe the Catalog can do either)
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