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Old 05-05-2010, 02:38 PM   #68
rock has a certain pleonastic somethingrock has a certain pleonastic somethingrock has a certain pleonastic somethingrock has a certain pleonastic somethingrock has a certain pleonastic somethingrock has a certain pleonastic somethingrock has a certain pleonastic somethingrock has a certain pleonastic somethingrock has a certain pleonastic somethingrock has a certain pleonastic somethingrock has a certain pleonastic something
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It's funny that you say the iPad is not the stake by comparing Andorid 2.2 yet you fail to take into account the 50 million iPhones sold, the millions of touches, and the millions more of all of those that will be sold this year. That is certainly a big enough market for companies to migrate away from an old technology.
Erm Android OS tablets. I am not refering to phone devices, that has no bearing on it. how many people are going to prefer iPhone for browsing at home?

You are wrong. Open up your system tools and look how much system resources are being used when the flash player is running, the battery ABSOLUTELY drains much faster.
Umm no I am not wrong. I am talking about my battery draining. Please tell me when you sit over my shoulder and watch my netbook die faster because I am using flash. Like I said before. Anything you will use that takes resources will drain battery life. Watching an avi file, playing a game, so saying using flash kills your battery is a ridiculous arguement. I have never seen that in my usings of laptops and netbooks.

As I said, look at your system resources. You are the only one that has ever said it doesn't drain the battery faster, it's not even debatable.
you obviously haven't seen the other threads on this where people said it doesn't affect them.

I have a feeling if you get one, you will use it for browsing. Why would you have a hot heavy notebook when you can do the same thing with an elegeant touch device that is less then 1/3rd the weight and 3x the battery life.
Do you have a netbook? This is the most ridiculous thing I have heard. My netbook has 9 hours (what is an iPad 10-12 hours) and mine only weighs 3 pounds.

And I would use my netbook because I prefer the keyboard, and I do all my browsing laying in bed.

As I said before this flash argument needs to die the iPad will never have it so people should stop harping on it, and people need to stop just repeating what Jobs says about flash.

Also another misconception. Flash is not just a video player. That is all.

Last edited by rock; 05-05-2010 at 03:34 PM.
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