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Old 12-30-2009, 01:31 AM   #23
rogue_ronin has learned how to read e-booksrogue_ronin has learned how to read e-booksrogue_ronin has learned how to read e-booksrogue_ronin has learned how to read e-booksrogue_ronin has learned how to read e-booksrogue_ronin has learned how to read e-booksrogue_ronin has learned how to read e-books
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Selected DCTERMS XHTML Metadata Items...

These are the ones that I currently think are important enough to include:

<meta name="DCTERMS.identifier" scheme="SCHEME NAME" content="SCHEME CODE" />

<meta name="DCTERMS.title" content="TITLE" />

<meta name="DCTERMS.creator.aut" content="NAME" />

Series Name
<meta name="DCTERMS.isPartOf" content="SERIES NAME" />

Series Number
<meta name="DCTERMS.hasPart" content="SERIES NUMBER" />

<meta name="DCTERMS.type" content="GENRE or CLASSIFICATION" />

<meta name = "DCTERMS.subject" content="KEYWORD(S)" />

<meta name="DCTERMS.description" content="DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT" />

<meta name="DCTERMS.publisher" content="PUBLISHER DATA" />

Publication Date
<meta name="DCTERMS.issued" content="YYYY(-MM(-DD))" />

Creation Date
<meta name="DCTERMS.created" content="YYYY(-MM(-DD))" />

Modification Date
<meta name="DCTERMS.modified" content="YYYY(-MM(-DD))" />

Copyright Date
<meta name="DCTERMS.dateCopyrighted" contents="YYYY(-MM(-DD))" />

Copyright Holder
<meta name="DCTERMS.rightsHolder" contents="NAME/ORG." />

Copyright Status
<meta name="DCTERMS.license" contents="LICENSE/STATUS" />

<meta name="DCTERMS.language" content="TWO-LETTER LANGUAGE CODE" />

<meta name="DCTERMS.source" content="SOURCE DERIVED FROM" />


Any additional creator or contributor may be added using the over 200 MARC Relator Codes:

<meta name="DCTERMS.creator.ill" content="NAME" />

<meta name="DCTERMS.contributor.pfr" content="NAME" />

<meta name="DCTERMS.contributor.edt" content="NAME" />

Cover Designer
<meta name="DCTERMS.contributor.cov" content="NAME" />


Extensions that don't meet the DC spec, but do meet the ePub spec:

<meta name="DC.creator.aut" scheme="FileAs:Lastname, First Middle" content="Dr. First Middle Lastname, Esq." />
-- Part of the ePub spec, but generally useful to define document sorting. The scheme attribute will be ignored by any parser as an unknown scheme.


Others that maybe SHOULD be included (please make an argument against):


<meta name="DCTERMS.abstract" content="SUMMARY OF CONTENT" />

-- I could be talked into this one. More useful for non-fiction.


Alternative Title
<meta name="DCTERMS.alternative" content="TITLE" />

-- Alternate Title, like a foreign name, or earlier (maybe offensive) name. This is more common than I originally thought.


<meta name="DCTERMS.audience" content="INTENDED AUDIENCE" />

-- Like age-ranges, or... something else? "Young Adult" is a really popular category at the moment.



Others that should maybe NOT be included (please make an argument in favor):

<meta name="DCTERMS.format" content="MEDIA/FILE TYPE" />

--I'm of a mind that it being an eBook, you're already pretty sure of the media and/or filetype.


<meta name="DCTERMS.relation" content="RELATED RESOURCE" />

-- The two refinements of this that allow us to keep Series Name and Series Number seem adequate.


<meta name="DCTERMS.coverage" content="TIME, SPACE, or OTHER SPAN" />

-- Meh. Subject seems enough.


<meta name="DCTERMS.provenance" content="OWNERSHIP HISTORY" />

-- I think this is about the actual, physical resource. I'm not sure it's relevant to an ebook.


Access Rights
<meta name="DCTERMS.accessRights" content="PERMISSION(S) TO ACCESS" />

-- Things like age restrictions, etc. Talk me into it. It'll be hard, I'm against most restrictions, even normal ones.


Date of Acceptance
<meta name="DCTERMS.dateAccepted" content="YYYY(-MM(-DD))" />

-- Some certifying authority acknowledges receipt/acceptance of a document. Meh.


Date of Submission
<meta name="DCTERMS.dateSubmitted" content="YYYY(-MM(-DD))" />

-- Some certifying authority is given a document. Double-meh.


Geographical/Spatial Coverage
<meta name="DCTERMS.spatial" content="SPATIAL RANGE" />

-- Seems unnecessarily redundant of the Coverage tag.


Date/Temporal Coverage
<meta name="DCTERMS.temporal" content="TEMPORAL RANGE" />

-- Also seems unnecessarily redundant of the Coverage tag.


Has Version
<meta name="DCTERMS.hasVersion" content="TITLE/NAME" />

-- Indicates another resource that is adapted from this one.


Is Version Of
<meta name="DCTERMS.isVersionOf" content="TITLE/NAME" />

-- Indicates a resource that this resource was adapted from.


Undefinable by DCTERMS, but possibly desired metadata:

File Name
-- The original name of the eBook file.

File Version
-- Using a defined versioning scheme. It's also a bit like a "#th Printing" statement.

File Comment
-- Information about how/why the ebook file was created.

-- Lots of books have these.

Publication City
-- Commonly used. Might be growing less relevant in the digital age.


I'm always open to input, corrections and suggestions!

There are other ways to code this, but I'm looking for a relatively simple, consistent method that covers most everything. The DCTERMS namespace seems to be that method, as the DC namespace is more limited and requires a somewhat vague extension ("refinements").

Also, all the DCTERMS can be defined this way in XHTML, but the questions here are: What is generally useful for eBooks? What are absolutely necessary, what are not?

I'll update this post as it gets better defined.

m a r

ps: huge props to KevinH!

Last edited by rogue_ronin; 01-01-2010 at 05:52 PM. Reason: updated File-As proposal and reworked the "possibles".
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