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Old 12-28-2009, 04:58 AM   #1
jjje555 began at the beginning.
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Weird problem with metadata in converted books?

Hi all:

I'm having problems converting books and transfering to my device. Sometime I download to Calibre books in RTF format. Then I convert them to EPUB and when I pick in someone of them I saw the both versions, EPUB and RTF. As I don't want RTF I use to edit metadata in block for all books and delete the RTF format. Well, everything seems ok after that, picking again over the previously converted book I only see it's in EPUB format now. But when I transfer that book to my device Calibre asks for a conversion, almost as Calibre thinks it's still in RTF format, and if I answer "yes" then Calibre convert them to PDF format!!!.

It's quite strange. My first impressions were I choose some special conversion when transfering, or preferred version for my device, or something like that, but I can't see anything bad in my configuration.

This behaviour only ocurrs, at least, with RTF and HTML files converted to EPUB. If no conversion nothing strange ocurrs. I use Linux, but I suppose OS is not relevant.

Any idea ?

Thanks and best regards.
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