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Old 12-24-2009, 02:03 AM   #76
LDBoblo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverLDBoblo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverLDBoblo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverLDBoblo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverLDBoblo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverLDBoblo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverLDBoblo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverLDBoblo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverLDBoblo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverLDBoblo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcoverLDBoblo exercises by bench pressing the entire Harry Potter series in hardcover
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Device: Kindle 3 WiFi, Sony PRS-505
Originally Posted by Latinandgreek View Post
I'd like to add no more paying hundreds and even thousands of dollars for public domain books! English lit (or any sort of lit) students on a tight budget probably appreciate this the most.

also: no more expensive shipping fees for people who live in places where the books they want aren't as readily available.
I read many of those public domain books either for free in libraries/schools, or I downloaded them and read them on various computer screens. No specialized expensive low-quality ebook reader device necessary.

The papercut thing is still rather hilarious to hear of.

And I do agree about availability. I have fair book availability where I am (Taiwan), but it's not amazing if you have specific wants in foreign languages, and ordering a book from overseas can get expensive. Libraries here don't often have a big selection of anything other than Chinese either. Of course, I can still just read on my computers, and still don't need an expensive specialized device for any of it, especially since any ebook I want to read I'll convert to a PDF and can read on almost any computer I want via dragging around a USB flash stick or SD card.

The extra advantage to reading on, say, a netbook or notebook, is that people don't get particularly curious about what you're doing and what you have. People quickly get bored of looking over your shoulder when they realize you're not watching movies or pornography.
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