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Old 10-10-2009, 09:26 PM   #11
Dave W
Dave W will become famous soon enoughDave W will become famous soon enoughDave W will become famous soon enoughDave W will become famous soon enoughDave W will become famous soon enoughDave W will become famous soon enough
Posts: 61
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Massachusetts
Device: Sony PRS-600 & Nook ST w/glow light
I've been reading these comments with interest. I bought the 600 a few weeks ago and, at first, I had my misgivings as to whether it would become just an expensive toy that I'd tire of and it would end up gathering dust. However, now that I've used it for a while, I am hoping that no one gives me a paper book for Christmas and I'm going to find it difficult to borrow a book from our library unless it is an ebook. Yes, the contrast is somewhat low, but I find the characters very sharp. What I've discovered about the low contrast is that it is actually easier on my eyes and I can read for a much longer time without getting too tired. I'm 72, by the way. So I don't have the stamina I had 20 years ago. I find that I can only read for an hour or so and my eyes start to lose focus, but not with the Sony reader. Why the should be, I can't say. Perhaps there is an optometrist on this forum who can expain it. In any case, for me, the low contrast is a benefit.

Dave W
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