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Old 05-09-2009, 09:31 AM   #1
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The Bilbo1967 Honorary Trophy thread

Yeah, you're scared now, aren't you Bilbo1967? After the horrid, hateful things you said in that other thread. Well let me tell you...

....Nah, I kid! I kid! You were fine, mate. In fact, you were my inspiration (Don't feel too chuffed - some folk here will curse you for inspiring me, of all people )

[Okay, folks, I've said this thread is "Unutterably Silly", and being so I'm going to ask you to be silly by staying (relatively) on-topic and on-purpose in a silly thread. Yes, that's just how silly I am. Mad as a drunken teapot.]

Whether right or wrong or somewhere inbetween or elsewhere, Bilbo1967 felt that cracking into the existing rabble of MR (particularly the Lounge) was a difficult one, and even felt "totally ignored". I don't really give a fat rat's manky clacker whether folks feel that that has any validity, but as sure as a gibbon-hurled banana can cause a nasty concussion in his unsuspecting target (Adrian can be a right bastiche when the mood takes him), I don't want him(? - "him" I'm guessing from the username) to feel that way. I don't want anyone to feel that way. The word I'm looking for is "Inclusive"!!! (I thought it needed extra exclamation marks).

To contradict myself and address the possibility of validity, I'll say that when the conversation gets going, it might be an easier path at times to pass by the unfamiliar to grasp at familiarity and respond to it (especially when you're like me and catching up on an entire northern hemisphere's overnight ramblings). I'll also reiterate what the Good Professor Wood (RWood) said, and say that it happens to all of us, and that some of my finest work, as judged so by some of the loudest voices of my generation (that is, the ones in my head) has been completely and utterly ignored (I mean, come on people: "Ceci n'est pas une porte". Genius!). Ah, C'est la vie.

Which brings me to the purpose of this thread. This thread is not for people to argue the above. This thread is not to make those who feel the same as Bilbo1967 to now feel pressured to explain why they might feel that way. This thread is however for Bilbo1967, and people who may feel somewhat ignored or intimidated within the sillier situations within the Lounge. One must assume they wish to be there, so one must be delighted to have their company. This thread is more than about welcome, which is what we do in the "Introductions" section. This thread is about openness, friendliness, acknowledgement and INCLUSIVENESS.

Okay, the floor's yours, Bilbo1967.

Hah, I kid again! As if I'd leave you with a microphone and dead air. I'm a bastiche, but I'm not a complete bastiche.

Everyone who feels a sense of belonging here, your mission is to give people who post here in this thread, those that are yet to have that same sense of belonging, every possible reason to have it by the time the thread finishes (another one of my little jokes - silly threads rarely end, so I actually mean "soonest" ). That is the on-topicality I expect and will insist on (with Adrian holding a quiver of bananas and eyeing anyone who doesn't keep to it). Bilbo1967 and all other imminent friends, your mission is to just say "Hi, I'm silly, and I'm proud of it" (okay, you don't really have to say that if you don't want, but you get the drift ). You can ask any questions about any of the odder local memes you may see around the LLounge (Adrian, PORTUGAL! Llamas, PNS, the Party, Queen Zee, socks, Marvin, et cetera) and we will not (and never would) consider them stupid, though obviously we reserve the right to consider them silly. (because "silly" is a lot of what we do ). You can just start in by talking about how much you love Portuguese Tarts. I don't mind at all. You've introduced yourself to MR over in Introductions, so now feel welcome to here introduce yourself to the Llounge, and become a Llounge Llama.

Some helpful questions to get you on your way:

Do you like chocolate, pastry, bacon, or Surströmming?

Why can't you get to the next Paris get-together?

Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, Monty Python or Will Ferrell? (Helpful clue: don't say "Will Ferrell")

Do you like dogs, cats, or both?

Are you for or against Cannibalism-Friday?

Can you lend me $15?

Why did you pick your username?

Why did you pick that shirt to go with those pants?

Does my bum look big in this?

In a poll do you vote for:
A. The right answer
B. The just answer
C. The wrong answer
D. Ignore Ravenne and vote for the blue one next to the fish

What's the difference between a duck?

...and finally,

Can I get you a drink?

'Course, make up your own questions and answer them if you wish. It's all good. All "new" folk get the Bilbo1967 Honorary Trophy, which is shaped like a bronze, hairy foot, and will henceforth be called "The Bilbothy". Every participant here is honour-bound to find every opportunity to present one to others, be it here or elsewhere in the Llounge.

Come forth, my pretties. And I'm serious about that drink.

Your Host For This Threading's Festivities, &
CEO - Montsnmags Enterprises ("Where dreams come through like a runaway freight train")

Last edited by montsnmags; 05-09-2009 at 09:45 AM.
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