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Old 05-06-2009, 07:42 PM   #9
Guilty Bystander
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Originally Posted by Gideon View Post
Personally, I feel totally screwed over. Tech changes happen... but releasing an upgraded model in a few months of release without letting anyone know it was coming is just crappy. I've generally been a big fan of how Amazon has dealt with things before but this sucks.
Personally, I don't feel screwed a bit. The DX is not an upgraded model, it's a totally different model. I'm pleased with the portability of my K2 and I wouldn't want to give that up; it's ideal for my needs and I take it along on my travels, both in town and across the world.

The DX is designed for other needs and I expect to get one to fill those needs - it sure would be nice to replace stacks of reports in PDF format with a thin reader. And no, those reports will not fit on a 6" screen because they're full of figures and tables.

My point is that they're different models designed for different needs. One uses both laptop and desktop computers. So why not portable and not so portable eBook readers?
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