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Old 04-10-2024, 01:13 PM   #9
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bunnyhero has every book they ever wanted in electronic form on their reader.bunnyhero has every book they ever wanted in electronic form on their reader.bunnyhero has every book they ever wanted in electronic form on their reader.bunnyhero has every book they ever wanted in electronic form on their reader.bunnyhero has every book they ever wanted in electronic form on their reader.bunnyhero has every book they ever wanted in electronic form on their reader.bunnyhero has every book they ever wanted in electronic form on their reader.bunnyhero has every book they ever wanted in electronic form on their reader.bunnyhero has every book they ever wanted in electronic form on their reader.bunnyhero has every book they ever wanted in electronic form on their reader.bunnyhero has every book they ever wanted in electronic form on their reader.
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Originally Posted by leebase View Post
Exactly. But this is about COLOR eInk. I sympathize with those who can't read comfortably on a tablet AND want/need color.
you're assuming it's "can't", and not "would rather not." no need to be condescending.

yes, obviously the colour will be much worse than a tablet, but there are many factors involved, colour quality being just one of them. for example, it might be useful if you read a lot of technical books with colour diagrams—distinguishing between the blue line on a graph and a green one could be important
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