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Old 03-17-2024, 05:03 PM   #69
EastEriq rocks like Gibraltar!EastEriq rocks like Gibraltar!EastEriq rocks like Gibraltar!EastEriq rocks like Gibraltar!EastEriq rocks like Gibraltar!EastEriq rocks like Gibraltar!EastEriq rocks like Gibraltar!EastEriq rocks like Gibraltar!EastEriq rocks like Gibraltar!EastEriq rocks like Gibraltar!EastEriq rocks like Gibraltar!
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Originally Posted by neil_swann80 View Post
I'm not sure what 1447LL refers to, as the book_id in the explorer-3.db file are all purely numerical and should definitely be unique.
FYI: Also try this logger command instead:
Code:"Syncing to page " .. tonumber( .. " of book_id " .. tonumber(book_id) .. " with filename: " .. tostring(data.file) .. "")
Ok, had a closer look into it, bringing both databases to the computer and inspecting them with sqlitebrowser, and also printing out more information as you suggested. So, my databases look at first glance sane; 1477 is the actual book_settings/bookid = books_impl/id of one of my books whose percentage updates correctly, whereas 1447 is the id of one which doesn't (here I mixed up, sorry).

Of course there numbers are entirely particular of the set of books I have loaded on my reader throughout its history. But the point is: the books which stay put at 100% have book_settings/complete=1 even if they have book_settings/cpage < book_settings/npage in explorer-3.db, even if I have opened them last in koreader and paged them to what is reported as cpage.

complete in turn comes (line 50-52) from self.ui.doc_settings:readSetting("summary"), i.e. from koreader itself.

It looks that once completed, forever completed, systematically for other books as well. I don't know whether to consider this a bug or a feature. In the back of my mind I think I read something about a recent change about flagging the book as completed in koreader.

ETA: ah, oh yes: in koreader, Book Status/Mark as finished... Once set back to Mark as reading I get the expected percentage in the librarian.

Last edited by EastEriq; 03-17-2024 at 05:10 PM.
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