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Old 01-05-2024, 08:58 AM   #96
foice once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.foice once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.foice once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.foice once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.foice once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.foice once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.foice once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.foice once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.foice once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.foice once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.foice once ate a cherry pie in a record 7 seconds.
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Originally Posted by pdurrant View Post
It seems to me that foice is not saying that they don't want to use calibre, but that they would like an extra capability in calibre. Which is entirely reasonable.

And this thread has been useful, in that it's got foice a work-around, and allowed them to bring into focus what they do want.

Now whether there's any developer also interested in the kind of feature foice describes and willing to create it is another matter.
You know what would be useful and may even 99% solve the issue? Having a "Save to disk" that saves _only_ the covers of the book, with some well formatted names. Then I can throw the cover images in some graphics program and do all the "messy" organization I want there.

I believe that being able to export only the cover images is a meaningful feature and that can be even be useful to other people in other contexts. Is there already a way to export/save-to-disk just the cover images?

At present I would need to go one by one into my book entries, add the cover.jpg file to each book metadata and then 'save single format to disk' (which is not able to 'save to as singe folder').
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