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Old 10-16-2023, 12:26 PM   #1
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brendandebeasi began at the beginning.
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Join Date: Oct 2023
Device: Kindle Oasis 3
Did a Kindle Oasis 3 FW Update Nerf Battery Life?

I bought my Kindle oasis three a little over two years ago ago, and was amazed how the battery could last for a month at a time.

Fast forward to now, and I am lucky if the battery lasts four days. I have tried resetting the Kindle and verify there is no indexing issue.

Amazon offered me 20% off a new oasis, and given the fact that this device was almost $250 I refused to buy a new one on principal.

I ended up purchasing a new battery and a new screen (because you cannot replace the battery without destroying the screen). This repair was successful, but the battery is just as bad now as it was before.

This leads me to think that maybe there was some sort of firmware update that Nerfed battery life. Has anybody else experienced this or do you have any recommendations on how to get the battery back to normal?
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