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Old 05-04-2022, 09:59 PM   #1
MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.MGlitch ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Device: Kobo Forma, Kobo Sage, Kobo Libra 2
Kobo Sage vs Kobo Libra 2 comparison

Ok so this gets asked frequently enough, and the answers were always pretty much down to whichever device the person replying had that I decided to get a Libra 2 in addition to my Sage.

For the tests-

All of the same patches were applied, I used an official Kobo case for each device to avoid build quality issues between different manufacturers and to try and keep it as equal as possible.

All reading settings were made to be as close as possible.

Ok on to the comparison:

Weight: Out of their cases, the two are virtually interchangeable for me. Obviously the Sage is heavier, but i had zero issues holding it in any position I was reading in.

In their cases is a different story. The Sage does become a bit awkward to hold while laying down. It generally got to the point where I'd just take the Sage out of the case if i was going to be laying down to read. This isn't a huge issue since the official cover for the Sage is magnetic, taking it out and putting it in is very easy.

I do have to give this one to the Libra 2, in or out of the case it's always comfortable to hold in any position. However it should be noted, both are comfortable to hold in general, the weight is distributed nicely overall.

Screen: I'm gong to talk about the screen in general since really the only tech spec difference is the size, both are 1200 carta eink.

My Libra 2 has darker blacks than the Sage, though this is only noticeable holding the two devices side by side. The Sage however refreshes the screen faster than the Libra 2.

I'm giving this one to the Sage, refreshes are going to be something that you'll deal with more often and the darkness of the blacks isn't so drastic that it makes up for the faster refresh. I also am a fan of the flat screen rather than the recessed screen, but this is personal preference.

Buttons: This is tricky, both have good elements and bad. I wish I could take the Libra 2 style button, being a big more raised, and put them in the Sage which has longer buttons and slightly more spread out.

I'm calling this a tie, and really which you prefer is going to come down to you.

Portability: This is one you'd expect the Libra 2 to sweep, however I've not had an issue putting the Sage even in a case in a jacket pocket, it's snug but it fits. I'll note it's a pocket that lines the inside of the body of the jacket. However I can't imagine most bags being too small for the Sage but fitting the Libra 2 perfectly. In cases the two actually have a very similar physical footprint, maybe a slim fingers width taller and wider on the part of the Sage.

Another tie here I'm afraid, unless you go minimalist with your bags trying to cut down the size as much as possible either device will travel comfortably with you.

I'm not going to talk about device specific features the Sage has that the Libra 2 lacks. If you *require* one of them then your decision is basically made for you. It should be noted that users have been able to add some level of Dropbox support with only a modification of the koboreader config file. Though it's not known if Kobo will eventually close this hole or not. At the time of this writing I do not know of anyone who has successfully added stylus support.

Personally, having used both for several months each, in and out of their covers, in various conditions, reading positions, lighting conditions, and levels of exhaustion among other factors, my go to reader is the Sage. I care more about the screen size, refresh rate, and flat screen than anything the Libra 2 has to offer me. Hopefully others find this useful.
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