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Old 04-02-2009, 07:09 PM   #3
Junior Member
b3radley began at the beginning.
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Device: Irex iLiad?
Thanks for the suggestion!
Sorry about the re-post but I realize now that I may have been a little bit hasty in defining requirements, so here they are in a slightly more concise list.

1. E-ink is a must, when I really get going I will read all night and my eyes usually feel like they will fall out in the morning.
2. Pdf support needs to be excellent, as this is what I read the most of.
3. Some ability to annotate, bookmark, highlight, etc. (even limited stylus support would be ideal)
4. Money is somewhat important, but if I have to pay through the nose to get a few unproblematic years of use I would be happy.

I am considering the iLiad BE, but am not sure if the size would be good for reading A4 pdfs.
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