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Old 07-15-2021, 04:21 AM   #7
halloleo can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterhalloleo can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterhalloleo can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterhalloleo can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterhalloleo can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterhalloleo can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterhalloleo can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterhalloleo can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterhalloleo can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterhalloleo can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterhalloleo can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameter
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Join Date: Feb 2020
Device: iPad
Ah! Of course! Will have a look.

As said, feel'n a bit dumb.
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