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Old 03-27-2009, 08:29 AM   #5
All4Fun has learned how to read e-booksAll4Fun has learned how to read e-booksAll4Fun has learned how to read e-booksAll4Fun has learned how to read e-booksAll4Fun has learned how to read e-booksAll4Fun has learned how to read e-booksAll4Fun has learned how to read e-booksAll4Fun has learned how to read e-books
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Device: iPad, Blackberry Bold
Originally Posted by shighfield View Post
I for one was very glad to see this. I've been a huge fan of the Ereader format for a long time. I don't like reading on the BB as much as I used to (Dedicated devices so much easier on my eyes) but it's sure handy to be able to carry a book with me on my BB for those times your stuck watiing around for someone.
Because I'm ignorant and still relatively new to the site, why are you a fan of the ereader format?

For now, I've been reading ebooks exclusively on my blackberry using the eReader software and Mobipocket Reader. Although I own books in both formats, I seem to enjoy the experience better with the Mobipocket Reader. I can't quite explain why and my opinion is really subjective.

Although perhaps taboo, I find that the ability to strip the DRM off of a Mobipocket ebook straight-forward to do allowing me to convert to other formats for any ebook reader that I may own in the future.
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