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Old 10-19-2020, 12:25 PM   #1
jvorzimmer began at the beginning.
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CC has lost ebook covers

A couple of things I've noticed since the 9/25 CC update. The most alarming thing I noticed after my first sync after the update was that hundreds of covers are missing from my books in CC. I'm not sure what Calibre did to update 1288 books at one time (I'm running 4.19 on Windows 7 media server), but about half of the books updated on that date, 9/25 (coincidently) are missing their covers in CC, though they're still there in Calibre. I'm running CC on Samsung Galaxy Tab A and have it on a 256Gb external SD card.

The other thing that started happening with that CC update was that it caused Calibre to crash when first connecting to sync. I have to restart Calibre and reconnect from the tablet and usually the connect is stable the second time.

Anyone else having these issues?
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