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Old 04-09-2019, 02:34 PM   #1
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Device: Kindle D009 3G Europe.
Talking How to run the script on power on / usb connected


Awesome stuff here, I've managed to root my kindle (3G GB), get ssh, modified some of the weather scripts found online to almost make my own picture frame / kindle weather display / CPU Monitoring station thing however I still have one issue.

If the usb is ever disconnected from the kindle, reconnecting it causes the screen to blank, and then I have to 'power on' the kindle again, holding the power button for a second or so. Now, this in itself isn't too bad, except for when I mount it inside a picture frame!.

Is there someway I can edit things, so upon power being restored/usb connected, it'll also 'wake up' and start running the script? I don't ever plan to use it as a kindle anymore, so it doesn't need to be something I can 'reset' easily. It'd be something like but for usb/power. I'm going to investigate if there's an event for that now, but in the meantime maybe someone can help

Thanks in Advance!

Last edited by djsmiley2k; 04-09-2019 at 03:09 PM.
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