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Old 12-29-2017, 05:31 AM   #8
Nameless Being
Originally Posted by CrystalEYE View Post
As far as I understand, you don`t have to use anchors, but simply ids.
e.g. <p id="page105">First paragraph on page 105 in the printed version</p>
I'm trying this, but Sigil doesn't generate the pageList from it so I probably have to add that part. I'm using something like this:

<a id="page014">first word of new page</a>

So far that doesn't cause an error. Then I would have to add something like the following in the ncx file:

<pageTarget id=”page014” type=”normal” value=”14”>
<content src=”Chapter01.xhtml#page014”/>

Will this work?

Actually, I'm thinking that I don't need the "<navLabel><text>14</text></navLabel>" part. I'm just using the ncx to guide the creation of the APNX file in Calibre. I don't want the page numbers to show up anywhere in the actual text.

Last edited by freewheeling; 12-29-2017 at 05:39 AM. Reason: Clarification
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