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Old 09-27-2017, 12:48 PM   #47
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Fralippo began at the beginning.
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This is in response to something Faterson and Ferante1 have suggested earlier.

I have done some eReader testing recently, and I believe Marvin 3 could easily be the top eReader out there if it weren't for a few missing features.

For me, if I had to choose, it would simply be:
  • Highlight/Bookmark syncing across devices
  • Marking those highlights that have a comment! This is the case in practically every other eReader I can think of.

It appears I am not alone with this request. I'm not a programmer, but recent other eReaders (Hyphen, other cross-platform syncing software...) show this is not an impossibility. Moreover, location-Sync in Marvin works perfectly fine across devices via iCould?

So my question would be, since I am apparently not the only one dearly missing this functionality: what about the idea of asking the developer how much it would cost him to implement this, and then see if we could raise the funds via this messageboard?

I myself would surely be willing to invest into this functionality, but am not in touch with the developer. Is anybody else? What do you guys think? I think it would be worth finding out how much an overhaul of the annotation functionalities would be, in order to estimate if this is worth raising funds for.
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