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Old 03-17-2017, 05:33 PM   #70
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MRS_SOMERSET has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.MRS_SOMERSET has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.MRS_SOMERSET has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.MRS_SOMERSET has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.
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Originally Posted by DoctorOhh View Post
Interesting, the person who decided to move the discussion off topic seemingly takes offense that they were somehow questioned about their "out of the scope" comment?

@ltr If Amazon does in fact track things to that level I think they will eventually find some customers buying fewer books through their service. Personally I bought more books through Amazon once I was able to format shift the books. Since the writing is on the wall I have already started shifting my purchases to other sellers.
I have also actually Increased the number of books I have bought from Amazon kindle since being able to use calibre to convert it.

I had given up buying books from amazon kindle after trying their audible free trial, and moved to other sources such as google play and the gutenberg free libriary to get content I could use.

Calibre has allowed me to use the kindle content, and therefore led me back to amazon to buy more from them. I feel Amazon are benefiting from companies like Calibre.

I do understand amazon is known in the business world for being nefarious ( staff working conditions in the warehouses for example), however with books becoming ever more an online thing, and big players like google and microsoft taking an interest in providing online book/ written media content, Kindle / Amazon need to be careful not to be more restrictive and go the way of blockbuster video, and perhaps it might behoove hem to provide content in multiple formats or if that takes up too much server space then an interface on their own site / servers that uses something like calibre, to allow content to be converted into other formats (initial publisher allowing) once purchased- and as publishers have no problem allowing google play to allow epub versions then I do not see why they would not offer the same to kindle / amazon.

anywho - ust very very happy that Calibre exists and that they have gone further in their support to help their customers that some multinational megacompanies can be bothered to - and really really am grateful to be able to access my books again.
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