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Old 03-01-2017, 02:07 PM   #64
Trane can understand the language of future parallel dimensionsTrane can understand the language of future parallel dimensionsTrane can understand the language of future parallel dimensionsTrane can understand the language of future parallel dimensionsTrane can understand the language of future parallel dimensionsTrane can understand the language of future parallel dimensionsTrane can understand the language of future parallel dimensionsTrane can understand the language of future parallel dimensionsTrane can understand the language of future parallel dimensionsTrane can understand the language of future parallel dimensionsTrane can understand the language of future parallel dimensions
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Join Date: Dec 2016
Device: android tablet
New Issue

I was going to start a new thread but this might be related. Just sat down to work, Sigil was working fine last night after creating the new .ini, though didn't use it too long. Now this morning, went to start Sigil and got a popup error saying Sigil must close, but it was an internal Sigil dialog box (not the Windows dialog) and Sigil never actually opened... the popup came up a split second after clicking the shortcut icon to start the program:

Error info: /OEBPS/content.opf: The system cannot find the path specified.
Sigil version: 0.9.7
Runtime Qt: 5.6.1
Compiled Qt: 5.6.1
Platform: Windows SysInfo ID 144

(I don't leave my computer on overnight, so it had a clean reboot this morning.)

Entered OEBPS in Search programs and files and nope, the directory could not be found. I can reinstall Sigil of course, but thought I should mention this in case it might have something to do with the previous crash issue.
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