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Old 12-05-2016, 06:58 AM   #1
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vienfet began at the beginning.
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Device: Kobo Glo HD
Unhappy Broken Kobo Glo HD, what next? Life changing decision

Hey guys, so after 1 year of use and a lot of drops my kobo glo HD has broke (I know I should have taken better care of it). I did not realize how fragile eReaders are. Anyways... I am faced with the following options and I can't seem to make a decision:

1) Buy another Kobo Glo HD $189 and perhaps invest in a good case (I had the kobo beige cover, please recommend any goods ones) and this time take better care of it.

2) Repair my iPad Mini 2 Screen, $130. Just use it for books, articles, PDFs, maybe some browsing, but most things I do on my phone, Galaxy Note 3.

3) Invest in a Kindle perhaps the Oasis ($549), Voyage ($349) or the latest Paperwhite ($269). Suggestions for this would be great as well. I don't mind the Amazon ecosystem, and there is a way I believe to convert ePub to Mobi and hopefully make it readable. Expensive option, however i'm not sure if the cost is justified since I have some books bought from the Kobo store.

4) Save up for an iPad Air since it's super light.

I love the flexibility of the Kobo - how I can use books from multiple stores and the use of ePub, the iPad has the same flexibility as well. I am also very concerned with durability, of course I will be taking much better care of it, but I mean I don't want random vertical/horizontal lines of death when there has been no fatal incident.

Right now I think buying a new kobo or repairing my iPad screen is the most cost effective option. What do you guys think? Never had much experience using a tablet as an eReader so insights from others with experience would be appreciated aswell. Has anyone held their kobo for more than 1 year?

Last edited by vienfet; 12-05-2016 at 07:01 AM.
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