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Old 08-20-2016, 09:40 AM   #7
Junior Member
Enaj began at the beginning.
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Join Date: Aug 2016
Device: Iriver Story eb02
could't play mp3

hello.. I have the same problem you mentioned about the music file only available if I get in the music file by the menu button.. However this is not the main problem.. Although Im able to see the file through the menu-music files... I couldnt play it.. I've tried to play the original iriver song (the iriver - john blackford) and its fine, which means speaker is not the problem.. but once I tried to play songs I transfered.. the media player will 'hang/jam' ( what i means by hang/ jam is after i tried to play my own song.. it will have no respone.. and after that if i try to play the original iriver song... it will no longer responing as well) what I need to do is to turn off the devise and then try playing the original it will be okay.. but once playing my own mp3.. the same situation occured again)

*ps: I tried copy mp3 file into the irirver by usb and Sdcard, or syns using wondow media player.. did I left out something or there is something I can do to solve this problem? Hope to hear advise from everyone. Thanks so much.. ☺☺☺
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