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Old 08-04-2016, 08:55 PM   #36
sbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beauty
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Join Date: Dec 2015
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Device: iPad, iPad mini, iPhone
Heads up of future releases

With the iPhone edition (CX) behind our back and a stable current release, we will continue working on other new features. The highest priority feature right now is better secure synchronization, which will continue to work among all 3 editions of MapleRead across all supported iOS devices.
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